President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

This was an AP headline.....where does it say, jobs???????????

"Obama's goal: End Iraq war, then win Mideast peace"

Lue C Fur

Evil member
From the Liberal horses mouth:

A truly astonishing thing happened on MSNBC Monday: three devout, liberal Obama supporters said the President is responsible for people thinking he's a Muslim.
During the opening segment of "Hardball," in a discussion about Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally and how the host and attendees view Obama's faith, Newsweek's Howard Fineman said, "Barack Obama probably should have joined a church here...some things in politics you have to do at least for the symbolism."
A bit later, the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson concurred: "Howard Fineman was in the earlier segment, but I tend to agree with him. I think -- I expected that when President Obama came to town, he and the family, as he said, would look around, find a church to go to and join a church and go there regularly."
Minutes later, Matthews also agreed saying, "You`re responsible for your reputation"

Hey Chris...i agree. LMAO!!!!:rofl:

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Well-Known Member
From the Liberal horses mouth:

A truly astonishing thing happened on MSNBC Monday: three devout, liberal Obama supporters said the President is responsible for people thinking he's a Muslim.
During the opening segment of "Hardball," in a discussion about Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally and how the host and attendees view Obama's faith, Newsweek's Howard Fineman said, "Barack Obama probably should have joined a church here...some things in politics you have to do at least for the symbolism."
A bit later, the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson concurred: "Howard Fineman was in the earlier segment, but I tend to agree with him. I think -- I expected that when President Obama came to town, he and the family, as he said, would look around, find a church to go to and join a church and go there regularly."
Minutes later, Matthews also agreed saying, "You`re responsible for your reputation"

Hey Chris...i agree. LMAO!!!!:rofl:

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Well-Known Member
No what is more astonishing is that YOU watch MSNBC :) Why should he join a church to satify the middle of the Country? I could care less if anyone goes to church but the word sheeple comes to mind

Lue C Fur

Evil member
No what is more astonishing is that YOU watch MSNBC :) Why should he join a church to satify the middle of the Country? I could care less if anyone goes to church but the word sheeple comes to mind

Nice try...I dont watch MSNBC...just read it on the net...Go back and click on the link....learn to read. :wink2:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics
Problem bank list climbs to 829
By Hibah Yousuf, staff reporterAugust 31, 2010: 1:42 PM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The government's list of troubled banks hit its highest level since 1993 during the second quarter, although the pace of growth continued to slow, according to a government report released Tuesday.
The number of banks at risk of failing rose by 53 to 829, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said in its quarterly survey of the nation's banking system. That increase marks the smallest rise since the first quarter of 2009.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

First it was senior staff members leaving and now it's.....................( drum roll please )...........
Former Car Czar Rattner Rats on Obama

Chris Stirewalt | September 02, 2010

-Rattner said Obama was frustrated with the auto companies from the start: "Why can't they make a Corolla?" he has Obama asking.

The Huffington Post got a leaked copy and there is plenty there that will play into this years' elections - especially since this is the first kiss-and-tell book from the Obama team.

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Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics
Oval Office rug gets history wrong

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King. Except it's not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington,Theodore Parker ( died at age 49 in 1860).
The familiar quote from Lincoln woven into Obama's rug is "government of the people, by the people and for the people," the well-known utterance from the close of his Gettysburg Address in 1863.
Funny that in 1850, Parker wrote, "A democracy -- that is a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people."