Rally To Protest No A/C In UPS Trucks


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Have anyone deeply concerned about the unsafe lack of truck climate control turned off the a/c in their cars and homes? Only way to ward off dangerous “thermal monotony”.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
The very new p/c’s have two fans from the factory.
There is a retrofit available for the older freightliners that has the same 2 fan setup as the new trucks. It's just a major PITA for the mechanic to put in.

I was the guinea pig for our mechanic to try and install this retrofit in the truck I drive. He told me to not tell anyone else in our building about this.


Binge Poster
Get in your car, crank A/C, and proceed to open and close the door once a minute. The interior of the car will remain a lot cooler than the outside air. Just because UPS says different, doesn't mean people should be parrots. Do you think you're evacuating a massive volume of air in your package car by opening a door every two minutes? A/Cs would remain largely effective in package cars, even with engine stops. This company has many people brainwashed against their best interests. The reality is people are petrified that any money spent by the company will affect their wages and pensions. They've got some of you dancing on a tightrope. That said, better ventilation in the rear would go a long way.
Well said.


Binge Poster
Wonder what cuts drivers are willing to take to get these a/c units in the trucks? Nothing is for free and something will have to give. It's business.
I don’t completely understand this logic.

Paying for water when UPS is required to is already a give back, no?


Binge Poster
As you say , stay on topic please . This isn’t about water it’s about a different pipe dream in some fairytale someone imagined up .
I will try to explain.

Using the following:

single use bottled water-$3.00 Case
bag of ice 3.00
1 cooler(cheap) 35.00

Let’s say there 75000 package car drivers if all driver’s paid for bottled water that UPS is required to pay for then you can get a read on what some are already willing to give back in the defense of a multibillion dollar company.

Water give back $225,000 per day
Ice give back $225,000 per day
Cooler one time give back $2,625,000

UPS will eventually be forced to provide a climate controlled delivery vehicle once they are they with then try to tell everybody it was their idea all along.

Dirk Digler

Bam all done!!
I will try to explain.

Using the following:

single use bottled water-$3.00 Case
bag of ice 3.00
1 cooler(cheap) 35.00

Let’s say there 75000 package car drivers if all driver’s paid for bottled water that UPS is required to pay for then you can get a read on what some are already willing to give back in the defense of a multibillion dollar company.

Water give back $225,000 per day
Ice give back $225,000 per day
Cooler one time give back $2,625,000

UPS will eventually be forced to provide a climate controlled delivery vehicle once they are they with then try to tell everybody it was their idea all along.
Dude your life must suck so bad to be so focused on friggen free water.


Well-Known Member
Have the height stickers inside the PCs been adjusted to account for the height of the vents?
Yes they have been. The normal height is 10'6" but the ones with the vent....
Unfortunately not everyone remembers to check during pretrip.


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We lack good journalism in this country! UPS Public relations statement on some of these local stations is misleading! Our fleet might contain 10-15 percent of these new package trucks with double fans and worthless vents. Somebody needs to explain that to the reporters that all the rest of the fleet have none of what UPS is describing! And then there’s the six days a week… do not vote yes on any contract that does not deal with this six day a week crap!
If you have any seniority it won’t affect you so who cares