REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You are misreading this. It is a political fiasco for romney. Obama comes out of this looking strong and presidential. Romney looks despaerate and amateurish and out of his league!!

Drinking the kool-aid that the Lamestream media feeds you i see...Obama thanks you.




bella amicizia
Obama should be putting a freeze on the $2 BILLION we give Egypt every year. But, I haven't heard of that happening as of yet.


golden ticket member
Obama’s in serious trouble if CBS News/NYT have to skew their poll by a jaw dropping D+13 to give him only a three point lead.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama’s in serious trouble if CBS News/NYT have to skew their poll by a jaw dropping D+13 to give him only a three point lead.

Now why would CBS and the NYT do something like that? It does not seem honest or accurate....Oh wait...i the tank for the Messiah.


golden ticket member
Gee, maybe you should actually check the site you post to make sure it's the correct always accuse everyone (well only me) of not doing that. Practice what you preach.


golden ticket member
Did you ever think that people on welfare are going to vote for O, no matter what else is going on in the world? As far as being 'voters' he can't worry about them. He said they should get their entitlements and he's worries about the other 53% .

“That’s an entitlement,” Romney said. “And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. …

If he's looking for votes it won't be from them. That's all he was saying.

But it's OK for the present admin to be lying about some video causing this Libya crap and all in sync using that "spontaneous" word, when it was planned and it was AlQaeda. Obama, Clinton, Ambassador Rice and I'm sure if I'd heard from her, DWS would have parroted it too!!

You are happy with 42 months of unemployment over 8%, No budget for over 3 years (maybe you could send your Ramsey book to Obama.)
Highest # of people on food stamps ever.
Businesses so heavily regulated they are being smothered.
Gas over $4

But if you are happy with that, I encourage you to vote for the failure again!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
HOw about these sites....??

Mitt Romney on Obama Voters - YouTube

Just another HUGE GAFFE for Romney where he insults all the americans who suffered through the largest recession since the great depression who have had to seek assistance from the goverment to survive while people like ROMNEY stash millions overseas and pay close to nothing in taxes.

Yea, spoken like the elite that he is, a true man of the people.




Well-Known Member

Do you believe the Media is biased and has a Liberal agenda?

Heard similar stuff in 2008 also. "Blame the liberal media" LOL Say what you will about The NYT or CBS, but every poll has obama up from 1 to 6 points. Rasmussen seems to be an outlier this year. But dont even look at the national polls. Go to the state polls in ohio and florida. That says it all.