REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
Did you ever think that people on welfare are going to vote for O, no matter what else is going on in the world? As far as being 'voters' he can't worry about them. He said they should get their entitlements and he's worries about the other 53% .

“That’s an entitlement,” Romney said. “And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. …

If he's looking for votes it won't be from them. That's all he was saying.

But it's OK for the present admin to be lying about some video causing this Libya crap and all in sync using that "spontaneous" word, when it was planned and it was AlQaeda. Obama, Clinton, Ambassador Rice and I'm sure if I'd heard from her, DWS would have parroted it too!!

You are happy with 42 months of unemployment over 8%, No budget for over 3 years (maybe you could send your Ramsey book to Obama.)
Highest # of people on food stamps ever.
Businesses so heavily regulated they are being smothered.
Gas over $4

But if you are happy with that, I encourage you to vote for the failure again!

Yep another gaffe by the mittster. When he says the 47% he is including the retired people too!! Not gonna go over that well in florida!!


golden ticket member
Yep another gaffe by the mittster. When he says the 47% he is including the retired people too!! Not gonna go over that well in florida!!
"not elegantly stated", but he's stickng by his comments.

Boy, Obama sure tries to avoid foreign policy and economy anyway he can!


golden ticket member
Will he stand by what he said?
He made this comment 4 months ago (May 17)......He gave the explanation and it's time to keep on the point with jobs
and the economy and the Obama admin. can waste time trying to dig up other stuff.

The poor people on welfare already get the help and will continue (we don't need to worry about them). Now he said we need to bring the people out of poverty and we do that by jobs and less restrictions on companies so they can hire people..
That would HELP the middle class. I believe that. Instead of giving away freebies, how about lifting people up?

"My campaign is about helping people take more responsibility and becoming employed again, particularly those who don't have work," Romney said. "His whole campaign is based on getting people jobs again, putting people back to work. This is ultimately a question about direction for the country. Do you believe in a government-centered society that provides more and more benefits or do you believe instead in a free enterprise society where people are able to pursue their dreams?"
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He made this comment 4 months ago (May 17)......He gave the explanation and it's time to keep on the point with jobs
and the economy and the Obama admin. can waste time trying to dig up other stuff.

The poor people on welfare already get the help and will continue (we don't need to worry about them). Now he said we need to bring the people out of poverty and we do that by jobs and less restrictions on companies so they can hire people..
That would HELP the middle class. I believe that. Instead of giving away freebies, how about lifting people up?

"My campaign is about helping people take more responsibility and becoming employed again, particularly those who don't have work," Romney said. "His whole campaign is based on getting people jobs again, putting people back to work. This is ultimately a question about direction for the country. Do you believe in a government-centered society that provides more and more benefits or do you believe instead in a free enterprise society where people are able to pursue their dreams?"

This statement was said in front of rich donors, where making fun of the poorest in the country is acceptable. Romney only wants to be the president of the 53% of the country and not ALL AMERICANS.

He was very candid with his opinion, this is the kind of talk that is done behind closed doors with wealthy people. The elites thumbing their nose at regular americans, the 1%.

1%, something YOU think you are a part of.

He says 47% dont pay any taxes, and yet he wont show his tax returns to prove he paid any taxes at all. Hypocrite.

He will get beat up over this in the next three weeks and it will be one of the final nails in his campaign.




bella amicizia
I think the hand outs have gotten out of control. I think it's more than that, though. It's a mentality. That's the problem.


Well-Known Member
All this about helping the middle class. Obamacare is the LARGEST tax hike in history on the middle class.

Once you hit 27 --and you do not have healthcare --you must come up with hundreds of dollars per month --thousands of dollars per year that you are FORCED to buy or face fine or IMPRISONMENT. Yes, Nancy you have passed it and we continue to find out we do not like it. So much for the land of the "free"


bella amicizia

The more people that are on the goverment dole...than the more Democarat voters there will be.
There a hotel on Washington street full of them, then. 7 years later, these Katrina victims are living off the government in a hotel near where I go for therapy. Here I go profiling:by the looks of these people, they were living off the dole in LA. When they discovered gravy land, i.e. Jefferson County, they said,"Jackpot!".


bella amicizia
All this about helping the middle class. Obamacare is the LARGEST tax hike in history on the middle class.

Once you hit 27 --and you do not have healthcare --you must come up with hundreds of dollars per month --thousands of dollars per year that you are FORCED to buy or face fine or IMPRISONMENT. Yes, Nancy you have passed it and we continue to find out we do not like it. So much for the land of the "free"
more, he said Nancy! Hehehehehehe

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All this about helping the middle class. Obamacare is the LARGEST tax hike in history on the middle class.

Once you hit 27 --and you do not have healthcare --you must come up with hundreds of dollars per month --thousands of dollars per year that you are FORCED to buy or face fine or IMPRISONMENT. Yes, Nancy you have passed it and we continue to find out we do not like it. So much for the land of the "free"

Could you do us all a favor and show us where in the affordable health care act, a person who turns 27 would have to pay hundreds of dollars a month and thousands a year for healthcare??

Kindly show us where to read such a thing. It is law you know, no more speculation, and I am sure you have your facts in order, so could you show us where to find this kind of regulation on 27 year olds?

thank you in advance.




Well-Known Member
Could you do us all a favor and show us where in the affordable health care act, a person who turns 27 would have to pay hundreds of dollars a month and thousands a year for healthcare??

Kindly show us where to read such a thing. It is law you know, no more speculation, and I am sure you have your facts in order, so could you show us where to find this kind of regulation on 27 year olds?

thank you in advance.




Once you are off mommy and daddys health care plan at 27 ----the Supreme Court Identified it as a TAX --YOU must BUY health Insurance ---It is not Free !!!!

Of course the affordable health care plan does not force anyone to purchase health care ??????? With "children " kept on parents plan to age 26 ---plus pre-existing conditions etc, etc ---health care premiums have gone up ----how much do you think they are going to pay for it ????


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Island1, so what you are saying is when you've been given ample opportunity to grow up , get educated, and get a job, you may actually have to get one? Of course, you are also saying that there will be no jobs that provide health care to their employees, which is actually one of the things the PPACA tries to do.

Do you feel that health care should not be provided by an employer of a large corporation? Do you think all heath care should be the responsibility of the individual alone, and not available at all to those who can truly not afford it? What about handicapped individuals? What kind of care should they be given?


Well-Known Member
Island1, so what you are saying is when you've been given ample opportunity to grow up , get educated, and get a job, you may actually have to get one? Of course, you are also saying that there will be no jobs that provide health care to their employees, which is actually one of the things the PPACA tries to do.

Do you feel that health care should not be provided by an employer of a large corporation? Do you think all heath care should be the responsibility of the individual alone, and not available at all to those who can truly not afford it? What about handicapped individuals? What kind of care should they be given?


Put down the kool aid for a moment --too much sugar.

One simple question:

Does Obamacare demand that all people that do not have healthcare must purchase it ??? The answer is yes.

Therfore it will hit very hard the middle class young --many that feel they do not need healthcare when they are young --WILL have to spend hundreds of dollars per month --thousands per year. What is all the excitement from you and TOS ????

All other Questions can be answered ---but again MY MAIN POINT--If you do not have have Heathcare for whatever reason and you are in the Middle class --YOU MUST BUY IT ---simple enough ???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Once you are off mommy and daddys health care plan at 27 ----the Supreme Court Identified it as a TAX --YOU must BUY health Insurance ---It is not Free !!!!

Of course the affordable health care plan does not force anyone to purchase health care ??????? With "children " kept on parents plan to age 26 ---plus pre-existing conditions etc, etc ---health care premiums have gone up ----how much do you think they are going to pay for it ????

You havent answer my inquiry. I asked you to demonstrate where in the ACA does it represent what YOU represented in your original post. You made some wild claims and I would like to read that part of the ACA.

You seem intelligent enough, please show us the section in the ACA.

I dont know why your asking me questions, you made the claim, all i am asking you for is the part where I can read the same in the ACA.

Please offer us this information.




Well-Known Member

I guess you missed the whole uproar over the buy mandate !!!

No wild claims-----simple if you do not have health insurance you must purchase it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I guess you missed the whole uproar over the buy mandate !!!

No wild claims-----simple if you do not have health insurance you must purchase it.

Ok, if you dont know where it states what YOU stated, then just say so. We already know that it doesnt exist, and you merely repeated some false claim that some right wing talking head fed you. Its ok. I have read the ACA and I can tell you that your claim as YOU stated is pure baloney and it doesnt have a second name.

What happened to "personal responsibility" that YOU and the GOP are claiming ownership of?? If a person has to buy insurance in order to stay off the goverment dole, why are you not supporting this??

Sounds like you are conflicted.

On one hand , you complain that the ACA is forcing people to be responsible for themselves, and on the other, you want people to take responsibility for themselves... It makes no sense.

The penalty of the ACA affects only those without insurance, and that penalty is 1% of a persons gross income. That 1% goes against the taxes that have to be paid for the year, NOT monthly payments of thousands of dollars each year.

For instance, if a persons gross income is 50,000, then the 1% would be 500.00 for the YEAR, not thousands of dollars like YOU claimed. I, as an insured american am EXEMPT from the 1% tax.

This is the problem with the right wing. Like Nancy Pelosi said, "we have to pass the bill so that YOU can find out whats in it outside the FOG of the controversy".

You my friend, are still stuck in the FOG along with your right wing talking heads.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I guess you missed the whole uproar over the buy mandate !!!

No wild claims-----simple if you do not have health insurance you must purchase it.

This is no more UPROAR over the ACA, the Supreme court has spoken on the issue. The goverment provided healthcare and hospitals for sailors when this country was founded and that was a part of the General Welfare Clause. ALL maritime employees were MANDATED to buy insurance by the goverment and guess who said so???


Fact checking, you should try it.

