REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dont look now chittsNgiggles, but the new poll averages are in. I know I know, FOX and Right Wing radio were wetting themselves over the gallop poll that has it at 1% 47/46 Obama, but NBCpolling just came out and its back to +5

The national average is back to +3.0 for OBAMA and after this week, OBAMA should crush Romney by sunday.


Well-Known Member

You can spout all your want. The People have been MANDATED to BUY health Insurance if they do not have it. Thousands of the 26 year olds will be in the same predicament when they hit 27 and are removed from mommies plan.

I know sometimes it is hard to face the truth. After the Supreme court gave it legality because of government's right to tax ---ergo it is the LARGEST TAX HIKE ON THE MIDDLE CLASS IN HISTORY.

They will in fact have to come up with thousands of dollars to purchase it.

Pass the Kool aid down the line ---I drink from the fountain in realville.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Yes tos,

The thousands of dollars people will pay for Health Insurance is a tax ---they are forced or mandated to buy ---TAX.

As Obama's lawyers argued and the Supreme court agreed --buying mandated insurance IS A TAX !!

Stick with your rhetoric on the penalty {you left out imprisonment}

Bottom line the middle class --particularly the young healthy ones always --had a CHOICE to make ---the left likes choice --no ???

See I can also "spin" as you do . Responsability?? ----Choice ???


bella amicizia
I was watching all the channels this morning. The poll results differed from minute to minute and from station to station. It's, basically, a 50-50 draw at this point.


Well-Known Member
-----------Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Drops After Mideast Turmoil--------- ( – The first opinion poll to be conducted after last week’s deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya and a spate of anti-American protests across the Muslim world has recorded a five-point drop in approval for President Obama’s handling of foreign policy. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found the president’s foreign policy approval among registered voters at 49 percent, down from 54 percent one month earlier.---- Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Drops After Mideast Turmoil |

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No matter how you try to spin it, it doesnt look good for Romney. He cant take the lead other than in the rassmussen poll, and even with that, he holds it for 5 days and it flips back to OBAMA.

Keep your fingers crossed! Maybe there will be a trophy for margin of error this year!

Oh, in case you missed it, BILL KRISTOL, the GOP's biggest neo-con is suggesting that ROMNEY step down from the ticket and be replaced by RYAN/RUBIO... after the STUPID COMMENTS made by Mitt Romney. Kristol knows this election is over, and having MITT as your candidate assures your defeat in 2012.

Conservative columnist Bill Kristol lit into Mitt Romney in the Weekly Standard over his leaked remarks that 47 percent of Americans are hopelessly dependent on government and thus will vote for President Obama.
"It remains important for the country that Romney wins in November (unless he chooses to step down and we get the Ryan-Rubio ticket we deserve!)," Kristol wrote on Tuesday. "But that shouldn't blind us to the fact that Romney's comments, like those of Obama four years ago, are arrogant and stupid.
Noting that many of the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay income tax are core Republican groups like seniors and active military, Kristol added that "Romney seems to have contempt not just for the Democrats who oppose him, but for tens of millions who intend to vote for him."~~Bill Kristol



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
Dont look now chittsNgiggles, but the new poll averages are in.

Welcome back Baghdad Bob!! I knew you'd be back with your daily propaganda update since Obama has been sliding in the polls. The only thing more entertaining would be for you to try and explain how polls work using math.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Welcome back Baghdad Bob!! I knew you'd be back with your daily propaganda update since Obama has been sliding in the polls. The only thing more entertaining would be for you to try and explain how polls work using math.


Look, OBAMA currently has a 52% approval rating! Leading by 3 points today, and by friday will be on his way to a double digit lead over Romney. Right wing establishment talking heads are rumbling about getting ROMNEY to step down and replace him with paul ryan and marco rubio...

This should alarm you more than anything I have to say.

But heck, thanks for laugh, I thought you were done trying to promote Romney in the polls, but I guess right wing radio is finished for the day and your tank is filled up again.




Engorged Member
Welcome back Baghdad Bob!! I knew you'd be back with your daily propaganda update since Obama has been sliding in the polls. The only thing more entertaining would be for you to try and explain how polls work using math.

"Obama has been sliding in the polls". LOL!! Where did you get that one?


golden ticket member
to Fed ex....
If your lead is being cut little by little, your falling in the polls and the opponent is rising.
What part of that do you find confusing????


Well-Known Member
If your lead is being cut little by little, your falling in the polls and the opponent is rising.
What part of that do you find confusing????

There is no doubt Obama is slipping in the polls. He has had a politically horrible week but as has become the norm his supporters are attempting to blame others. Even some of his strongest supporters are now admitting the election is in a dead heat.


Well-Known Member
-----------Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Drops After Mideast Turmoil--------- ( – The first opinion poll to be conducted after last week’s deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya and a spate of anti-American protests across the Muslim world has recorded a five-point drop in approval for President Obama’s handling of foreign policy. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found the president’s foreign policy approval among registered voters at 49 percent, down from 54 percent one month earlier.---- Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Drops After Mideast Turmoil |

Nope. Pew had obama up by 15% over romney ; NYT obama by 14%; Wall St Journal 14% on foreign policy!!