REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt Obama is slipping in the polls. He has had a politically horrible week but as has become the norm his supporters are attempting to blame others. Even some of his strongest supporters are now admitting the election is in a dead heat.

"Slipping in the polls"?? His approval rate is now at or over 50%. With all the crap thrown at this guy for 4 years, he is still not far from what he got elected with :53%. He is a survivor. Again this says more about how weak the republican brand is these days. With a weak economy and a sitting president at or about 50% popular AND THEY STILL CANT MAKE ANY HEADWAY??


Well-Known Member
"Slipping in the polls"?? His approval rate is now at or over 50%. With all the crap thrown at this guy for 4 years, he is still not far from what he got elected with :53%. He is a survivor. Again this says more about how weak the republican brand is these days. With a weak economy and a sitting president at or about 50% popular AND THEY STILL CANT MAKE ANY HEADWAY??

Go ahead and explain. This should be entertaining.

Approval rating? survivor? popular?

Obama is right now at 47% among registered voters making the Romney comments look very intelligent and prophetic. registered voter poll That makes the extreme leftists look very silly and their timing really bad.

Here is the current approval rating showing more voters disapprove than approve of the President. Job approval


Man of Great Wisdom
I have never been called or asked to be in a poll. The only poll that counts is the voting poll. Someone could have beat Obama. This cartoon character isn't the one to do it. So much wasted corporate money that could go to employing people.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes tos,

The thousands of dollars people will pay for Health Insurance is a tax ---they are forced or mandated to buy ---TAX.

As Obama's lawyers argued and the Supreme court agreed --buying mandated insurance IS A TAX !!

Stick with your rhetoric on the penalty {you left out imprisonment}

Bottom line the middle class --particularly the young healthy ones always --had a CHOICE to make ---the left likes choice --no ???

See I can also "spin" as you do . Responsability?? ----Choice ???

You keep saying "thousands of dollars" yet you cant PROVE IT...

Is this misinformation so drilled into your head you cant think for yourself?

I explained the calculation using 50K as a guide, and that totaled $500.00. BUT, you keep saying thousands.





Well-Known Member

The mandate which is buy or penalty has been legal described as a tax.

If I am FORCED to buy Health Insurance because of Obamacare It is a TAX.:wink2:

You focus only on the penalty.

FACT: Thousands and Thousand of Middle class people including "children" that hit the age of 27 --WILL are Mandated to BUY health insurance that will be THOUSANDS of dollars per year.

Simple enough. No choice ----Mandate is tax ---buy or be penalized. There is nothing to "PROVE"

As Nancy said: "We have to pass it so you can see whats in it" A very Large tax.

Obama has always promised NO TAX INCREASE ON THE MIDDLE CLASS. ???????

P.S. I am sure we can play tax games all day --what is and what is not.

Call it what you will --being FORCED to BUY Insurance or pay a Penalty will hit the Middle class extremely hard. They are being forced by the government to carry the economic burden for OBAMACARE.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The mandate which is buy or penalty has been legal described as a tax.

If I am FORCED to buy Health Insurance because of Obamacare It is a TAX.:wink2:

You focus only on the penalty.

FACT: Thousands and Thousand of Middle class people including "children" that hit the age of 27 --WILL are Mandated to BUY health insurance that will be THOUSANDS of dollars per year.

Simple enough. No choice ----Mandate is tax ---buy or be penalized. There is nothing to "PROVE"

As Nancy said: "We have to pass it so you can see whats in it" A very Large tax.

Obama has always promised NO TAX INCREASE ON THE MIDDLE CLASS. ???????

P.S. I am sure we can play tax games all day --what is and what is not.

Call it what you will --being FORCED to BUY Insurance or pay a Penalty will hit the Middle class extremely hard. They are being forced by the government to carry the economic burden for OBAMACARE.

I am going to to assume that you dont know what you are talking about then. Personal Responsibility. The GOP battle cry, OBAMA goes along with it, telling americans to buy insurance or be taxed for not having it and you have a problem with it.

You want to end the welfare state ( by your own words) yet complain when the President tells americans to take that responsibility on for themselves you complain.

Under the General Welfare clause of the constitution, the founders FORCED all maritime employees to BUY insurance, in addition, the GOVERMENT set up maritime hospitals for those same employees to get coverage and treatment.

President Obama has done the same thing only to a larger scale. Its time to get people covered with insurance and out of bankruptcy courts.

Unfortunately, people like you would rather see people suffer and end up in BK courts losing their homes and property if they get breast cancer or prostate cancer. You got yours so who cares about others.

Its a sad state of mind.

If Obama came out and promoted breathing oxygen, would you hold your breath?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now back to the polling averages...

ChittsNgiggles.... lookie lookie...

Romney is a -4 on Rassmussen, from a +2 to a -2 ( that would be a minus 4, thought i would do the math for you) More bad news coming for Romney on Friday!

Hang on to your hopes for the GOP!



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its friday and the new polling averages are out for the week!! OBAMA gains more ground as the Romney GAFFE starts to haunt him in the polls...!!

The Romney strategy will be to get him OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE and claim he's preparing for the debates so he wont say anything else STUPID.

I say, let him talk, the more he says, the further he slips in the polls, just like he did in the primaries..




Well-Known Member
The electoral map has shifted. For months this was a 50-50 tie for the most part. But something happened to alter this stalmate. A combination of the democratic convention plus romney's gaffe on foreign policy and his 47% statements have sunk his ticket. Repub senators and house members are running away from romneyryan. Senate races in Mass, virginia, missouri, ohio, wisconsin, florida and even north dakota are now leaning blue. This was supposed to be the year the repubs take the senate. Doesnt look likely. In polls asking how one would vote for a generic house vote, the dems are up 4 points over repubs. Sort of numbers the repubs had at this point 2 years ago.
It is amazing how hundreds of millions could be spent on ads and nothing changes in the polls but one candidate reveals what his party really thinks about 47% of us and we begin to see some separation.

And isnt it funny that the romney campaign feels things were so bad this week that they chose to change the subject by RELEASING MITT'S TAX RETURNS!!! LOL

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Media lies about everything. We wont know til election day.

You are so correct! Your media does lie. They admitted so, IN COURT, as their defense. Finally, you stated a fact. KUDOS.

Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape

In friendebruary 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals
unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule
against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.

""A Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.""

""Judge: So, does Fox News lie in its coverage of the news?
Fox News Lawyer: Well, of course, your honor, have you watched our network!? But seriously, it’s not as if there’s anything legally wrong with that! ""

During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against
distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment,
broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on
public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured
her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right
to do so.

Anyone concerned with media must hear the alarm bells. The Bush FCC, under
Michael Powell’s leadership, has shown repeatedly that greater media
consolidation is encouraged, that liars like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are
perfectly acceptable, that to refer to the FCC interpretation of “editorial
judgment” is to potentially throw out any pretense at editorial accuracy if the
“accuracy” harms a large corporation and its bottom line. This is our “Brave New
Media”, the corporate media that protects its friends and now lies, unchallenged
if need be.

thanks for reminding us Tooner.

