REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
Our Nov. 6 forecast continues to be more conservative, however, as we still need to account for the possibility that Mr. Obama’s numbers are inflated by the aftereffects of his party’s convention. By this time next week, it will be safer to conclude that Mr. Obama’s gains are permanent, and the forecast will move toward Mr. Obama if Mr. Romney does not make some tangible improvement.

Nate Silver - FiveThirtyEight Blog -


Well-Known Member
LOL, when you dont like the poll results: 1) Blame the media 2) "unskew" the polling data 3) click your shoes three times and say "there's no place like home". Some of you are truly in denial. I heard lots of this stuff 4 yours ago. Face the facts: if the election were held today, Obama would win by about 4 % with about 310 electoral votes. Of course, this can change with a foriegn policy blunder or huge loss of jobs in next 2 jobs reports or something stupid said during a debate. That said, for the reality based people in this country, romney is losing. Like it or not!!


Staff member
You would think that if they "unskewed" the polls, they would use somewhat respectable numbers. Romney +10?! C'mon. Time for even the bretts of the world to call BS.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dont bother, I found the source of this nonsense. Go figure, another RIGHT WING web site that "credits" Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Dick Morris, The American thinker, and Cal Thomas.

Ya, these are accurate polling figures. UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Look, Real Clear HASNT MISSED a presidential prediction since its creation. You cant get any better info than on Real Clear.

You might as well just quote Rush Limbaugh and tell us how Limbaugh, who bashed ROMNEY for a year during the GOP primaries, now says he's the answer to the countries problems.

Or, quote Ann Coulture, when she said 2 years ago that ROMNEY would win the nomination but lose the election, then today saying that ROMNEY is the "MAN" with enthusiasm.

Ann Coulter on 2012 GOP Field: If Christie Doesn't Run, Romney Will be Nominated and Lose to Obama - YouTube

The GOP doesnt know what to do but to take peoples attention away from the polls by any means. The last thing they want is the GOP base to get dissapointed and not vote because they know well ahead that Romney is going to lose.

They will try every trick in the book, like this web site you posted, to attempt to delegitimize all polls so people like the C9 will still vote.

At this point in the election, OBAMA would win hands down over Romney, and as BB said, unless there is a flub somewhere in the next 30 days by OBAMA, its all but over.

Real clear is the MOST reliable source of polling data in the country. You may not like it, but its reality.

Listening to Dick Morris or Karl Rove is only setting you up for dissapointment.




Well-Known Member
LOL, when you dont like the poll results: 1) Blame the media 2) "unskew" the polling data 3) click your shoes three times and say "there's no place like home". Some of you are truly in denial. I heard lots of this stuff 4 yours ago. Face the facts: if the election were held today, Obama would win by about 4 % with about 310 electoral votes. Of course, this can change with a foriegn policy blunder or huge loss of jobs in next 2 jobs reports or something stupid said during a debate. That said, for the reality based people in this country, romney is losing. Like it or not!!


804, sounds like you describe the Wisconsin Recall election perfectly ---What did those pre-voting polls say again ???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
LOL, when you dont like the poll results: 1) Blame the media 2) "unskew" the polling data 3) click your shoes three times and say "there's no place like home". Some of you are truly in denial. I heard lots of this stuff 4 yours ago. Face the facts: if the election were held today, Obama would win by about 4 % with about 310 electoral votes. Of course, this can change with a foriegn policy blunder or huge loss of jobs in next 2 jobs reports or something stupid said during a debate. That said, for the reality based people in this country, romney is losing. Like it or not!!

You would think that if they "unskewed" the polls, they would use somewhat respectable numbers. Romney +10?! C'mon. Time for even the bretts of the world to call BS.

I'm not sure what you two are whining about. A lot of these polls over sample democrats and base their projections on a 2008 style turnout which simply won't happen. Remove those two factors and Romney easily has a near double digit lead. If you don't like this assessment then I guess you can't accept the facts of this election. I guess we will just have to wait till election day to figure out who is right.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you two are whining about. A lot of these polls over sample democrats and base their projections on a 2008 style turnout which simply won't happen. Remove those two factors and Romney easily has a near double digit lead. If you don't like this assessment then I guess you can't accept the facts of this election. I guess we will just have to wait till election day to figure out who is right.

Im sorry I wasnt whining. More like gloating!! If you really think that romney is up at all, you truly live in a non-reality based world!! So who do you like in 2016??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, the new polling averages are IN! OBAMA goes to +4% nationally!

Just as in 2008, late september and OBAMA starts to pull away from ROMNEY.

Even RASSMUSSEN cant keep ROMNEY in the lead! They would be foolish to even attempt it. Like I said LAST MONTH, late september and Rassmussen would come around to be close to the other polls.

Obama is reaching the golden number of 49.... then 50 through October, then re election!

Same as in 2008. The GOP would have you believe this race is closer to the Reagan/Carter race, but that halucination is not possible unless you all are doing LSD.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Boy, FOX SPEWS and RUSH Limbaugh are working hard to convince people to ignore the polls. Just like in 2008 when in late september, OBAMAs average reached 49% heading to that magic number of 50% and eventually winning the presidency, this years election seems to be heading in the same direction.

Believing that GOP voters will just not vote or bother to turn out if it is a forgone conclusion that OBAMA will win, they are trying VERY HARD to vilify ALL the polling agencies out there.

RUSH is going non stop this morning about the "skewed polls", but he did the same thing in 2008, and right at the same time. He was proved WRONG as was FOX SPEWS and every talking head saying the polls were WRONG.

Sample this, sample that, Internal polling this, internal polling that, the right wing knows what is coming and they are in damage control to prevent Romney from getting blown out.

Romney, who has had to re boot his campaign three times now, is fading late in the game.

All the happy talk by Karl Rove, FOX SPEWS, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan or Sean Hannity wont change the outcome.

New polling averages on thursday, we will see if the trend continues.




Well-Known Member
Edward Bernays, father of Public Relations said the following in his 1928' book "Propaganda":

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

And Bertrand Russell from the 1931' book, The Scientific Outlook under the heading
The Intended Result of Education:

" Education should aim at destroying free will , so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished."

Just something to keep in mind when considering the polling opinion of the masses on any issue or any campaign.

You could also argue based on any given campaign results that the American voter is proving true what Bernays and Russell both assert!


golden ticket member
When your poll is +9 D or +7 D, it means they are weighted towardsDemocrats.
Plus, Democrats are being polled in the numbers they voted in 2008......That would be unrealistic now!!


Staff member
When your poll is +9 D or +7 D, it means they are weighted towardsDemocrats.
Plus, Democrats are being polled in the numbers they voted in 2008......That would be unrealistic now!!
That's right. Romney shouldn't change a thing. Helluva campaign, Mitty!