

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
God decides. Not you , not me. Your interpretation of biblical baptism Being Absolutely Necessary blew up in your face.
Oh! Yes God does decide.
I just figured you had enough sense to know whether or not you could decide to do what he said or not and be accountable for your decision.
I gave you too much credit.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
God decides. Not you , not me. Your interpretation of biblical baptism Being Absolutely Necessary blew up in your face. I am glad you were able to at least admit that God decides.
I didn’t interrupt anything. Look again. I quoted the scripture. It interprets itself.
It did for you and that meant for you to spit out personal attacks and insults.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t interrupt anything. Look again. I quoted the scripture. It interprets itself.
It did for you and that meant for you to spit out personal attacks and insults.
Yes, quote them and think you have the knowledge of them all. It’s not an insult to call you what you are. A heretic You don’t even follow your own advice

Get thee behind me Satan