I am not telling you what you should believe or what you shouldn’t believe. I believe religion in any form is not God.
However, I love much about religion and religious practices, I do find many, but not all, very useful in my spiritual walk with God, as I believe in Him.
I believe God is previous to everything, I believe God so loves the world, I believe God is sovereign over everything that was, is, and ever will be. I believe nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God‘s world by mistake.
I believe that the moment when, in my innermost self, I surrendered to God’s love for me, and all that means in the depth of my mind, being, and spirit, I became able to turn my will and my life over to His care. That was the day I was reborn, into a new creation.
I believe that there is a bit of good in the worst of us and a bit of bad in the best of us; that we are all children of God and we each have a right to be here. When I complain about me or about you, I am complaining about God‘s handiwork. I’m saying I know better than God.
Over the years I have come to find that without God’s Holy Spirit in me, I truly don’t even know what’s good for me, and if I don’t know what’s good for me then I don’t know what’s good or bad for you or for anyone so I’m better off if I don’t give advice, don’t figure I know what’s best and just accept life on life terms, life on God’s , as I understand God, terms.
Today I accept myself, and I accept you, and I accept the whole world as it actually is not as I would have it. Today I so love the world as God loves the world as it actually is not as I would have it.
May you experience, in your innermost being, and conscience, unconditional love in your life today and every lasting moment you have left in it. Regardless of what you believe.