I tweaked my achiles tendon sometime Thursday, but worked through the pain and got the route done. I informed the night clerk of what had happened, just to CMA. I also wrote up my broken horn as a safety issue, as it broke at my first stop. When I get to work on Friday morning, I ask for the day, as I needed to rest my ankle, but didn't want to use one of my days. They said, there are no days available, to which I wince, but figure I'll be okay as long as I take it easy.
I walk into my car at my start time and notice something different about the way it looks. I step back to the drop down step near the rear door and re-tweak my ankle. It's at this point that I notice that a different car is in my spot. The Mechanic redtagged my car when he noticed I need a water pump. I thought water pumps got changed when they went out, but that's another thread. Anyways, the part-time preload supe had a p'timer put a different car in my spot.
After this all occurred, I went to and informed my supe that I couldn't work today, due to the tweaking of my ankle, which I had just re-tweaked. Long story short, I was told that the On-Road supe would jump for me. I said fine no problem. There's only one more problem then. The part-time supe gave me an 800 without a trailer hitch. My trailer was loaded to the hilt with Home Depot, Lowes, BJ's and Barnes N Noble. The supes panicked at first, but ended up sending me out with my car and the air and loading the trailer stuff into another car. Problem solved, right?
The supe met me at around 11am. Aside from wasting time talking and generally being slow, things went okay, till we hit the resi's. His idea of a brisk pace, was not my idea of a casual stroll, he was actually huffing and puffing when he got back to the car. Safety/methods fell by the wayside in order to get done faster. It seemed funny to me, that this supe, the "safety" supe, dropped it all in the name of getting done, so he could relieve the other supe left in the building.
This got me thinking about two things. Number 1, I guess UPS just wants me to talk safe and not really be safe. Number 2, I could have done the job, by the methods, safely, and been done at the same time or maybe, maybe, slightly later. This now makes my job as safety co-chair harder than ever. How can I talk safety to guys who see unsafe behavior by their own supervisors? I can't and won't be a safety co-chair with my hands tied behind my back. Here's an example of unsafe behavior. DON'T DO THIS, even if you think it will save you time.
Cutting across the grass is a no-no, period.
Not wearing a seatbelt, in a moving pkg car, while wearing a safe by choice bracelet, is hypocritical.
Let's be real. You want us to be safe? Live what you preach and set an example for the rest of us. If it's a farce, let us know. This way we can all play along as well. Don't tell us to be safe, then load us up and give us time constraints, which invariably will cause "some" of us to be unsafe and others, to fail and meet your expectations.
I apologize, the pictures I intended to post are too revealing and I'm having a problem, ethically, showing them in this forum, as they will reveal the supes identity, and I don't think Cheryl would appreciate that, jmho. I will, however, post them on my blog, this Sunday.
I walk into my car at my start time and notice something different about the way it looks. I step back to the drop down step near the rear door and re-tweak my ankle. It's at this point that I notice that a different car is in my spot. The Mechanic redtagged my car when he noticed I need a water pump. I thought water pumps got changed when they went out, but that's another thread. Anyways, the part-time preload supe had a p'timer put a different car in my spot.
After this all occurred, I went to and informed my supe that I couldn't work today, due to the tweaking of my ankle, which I had just re-tweaked. Long story short, I was told that the On-Road supe would jump for me. I said fine no problem. There's only one more problem then. The part-time supe gave me an 800 without a trailer hitch. My trailer was loaded to the hilt with Home Depot, Lowes, BJ's and Barnes N Noble. The supes panicked at first, but ended up sending me out with my car and the air and loading the trailer stuff into another car. Problem solved, right?
The supe met me at around 11am. Aside from wasting time talking and generally being slow, things went okay, till we hit the resi's. His idea of a brisk pace, was not my idea of a casual stroll, he was actually huffing and puffing when he got back to the car. Safety/methods fell by the wayside in order to get done faster. It seemed funny to me, that this supe, the "safety" supe, dropped it all in the name of getting done, so he could relieve the other supe left in the building.
This got me thinking about two things. Number 1, I guess UPS just wants me to talk safe and not really be safe. Number 2, I could have done the job, by the methods, safely, and been done at the same time or maybe, maybe, slightly later. This now makes my job as safety co-chair harder than ever. How can I talk safety to guys who see unsafe behavior by their own supervisors? I can't and won't be a safety co-chair with my hands tied behind my back. Here's an example of unsafe behavior. DON'T DO THIS, even if you think it will save you time.
Cutting across the grass is a no-no, period.
Not wearing a seatbelt, in a moving pkg car, while wearing a safe by choice bracelet, is hypocritical.
Let's be real. You want us to be safe? Live what you preach and set an example for the rest of us. If it's a farce, let us know. This way we can all play along as well. Don't tell us to be safe, then load us up and give us time constraints, which invariably will cause "some" of us to be unsafe and others, to fail and meet your expectations.
I apologize, the pictures I intended to post are too revealing and I'm having a problem, ethically, showing them in this forum, as they will reveal the supes identity, and I don't think Cheryl would appreciate that, jmho. I will, however, post them on my blog, this Sunday.