Safety Compliance.


respect my authority
yea i guess your right why would things change because im there

there have been people there for a long time and nothing has changed thats too bad


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I agree with walking on the grass- take the shortest route. I also believe it is easier on your knees and ankles to walk on the softer grass than the hard asphalt or concrete surface. It may be all in my head, but it works for me.

When I am in town, I stay off the lawns for the most part to avoid stepping in dog crap. Town people also tend to be more pissy about their neatly manicured grass and landscaping. Out in the country its a different story, people there arent uptight and usually there is already a dog or a turkey or some other critter running around underfoot. Half the time I wind up driving across the lawn anyway just to get turned around.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
That's defeat talking there, brother. Go in there and make waves. Rock the boat and get stuff done.

In order to get anything done, you are going to have to unite with the other Committees nationwide, start making some demands, and be willing to withold participation until those demands are met.

Simply playing UPS's games and working "within the system" isnt going to get anything done.

UPS is required by law to have a Safety Committee. The are not required to allow it to accomplish anything. Your only power comes from being willing to refuse to cooperate or participate.

We have a union contract because, as a union, we made demands and were ultimately willing to withold our labor unless UPS agreed to bargain in good faith. If we negotiated our contracts the same way we run our Safety Committees, we would all be earning minimum wage.

UPS sets and controls the agenda for its Safety Committees. You need to take control back. Otherwise, we will continue to be stuck with what we currently have...hundreds of uncoordinated Committees nationwide doing nothing but inventing new acronyms and endlessly debating whether to buy socks or doughnuts with their "safety money" while the relevant issues (vehicles, equipment, dispatches, time allowances) continue to be ignored.



but no contructive feedback from "WHAT IF" thread about seatbelt i just got beat up instead

you big fat non back me up meanies


That wasn't a what if thread, if I recall correctly. It's all in the wording. Try it again, word it right and get some answers.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

but no contructive feedback from "WHAT IF" thread about seatbelt i just got beat up instead

you big fat non back me up meanies


Your "what if" thread about seatbelts was....quite a mouthful to say the least.

You really brought the issue to a head.

Way to blow the whistle!


Your "what if" thread about seatbelts was....quite a mouthful to say the least.

You really brought the issue to a head.

Way to blow the whistle!

LOL, so many laughs just in those few words, sober.LOL

At the Safety meeting, down in Hialeah, we were promised change. We were supposed to meet with other center safety co-chairs to discuss and implement change/s.I have yet to speak to anyone from another center. Things will change, my friend, things will change.:biting:


respect my authority
Your "what if" thread about seatbelts was....quite a mouthful to say the least.

You really brought the issue to a head.

Way to blow the whistle!

hence the original title

i meant well

thought the reference to Watergate was a good way to get a lot of people to read and input on seatbelt issue and the "WHAT IF"factor if public knew about it through media.

UPS has a safety image to uphold i thought it was an interesting thought in my opinion if public knew of issue we would have seat belts that save us.

a lot of people like theire drivers

then again i guess ill start next argument against this

there are more pressing issues for the American public than my having a 3 point harness.


Well-Known Member
Steve, just curious, you were the operator of the pkg car during your safety ride. Why didn't you simply refuse to start the pkg car until your sup put his seat belt on?


Until you step into a hole hidden in the neatly trimmed lawn, then all hell breaks loose.

This is true, 555. Sometimes you can't see the dips, divots or holes hidden in the grass. I once cut across a yard at a brisk pace and trip on a mound I didn't see. I tucked and rolled as I fell. Sort of looked like an olympian as I got up, looked around to see if anyone was watching. One neighbor saw this happen. As I drove by him, I said, that's not sunburn on my face.:wink2:

Steve, just curious, you were the operator of the pkg car during your safety ride. Why didn't you simply refuse to start the pkg car until your sup put his seat belt on?

I wanted to see if he would put it on at some point. He did wear it on the longer runs, but not while going block to block. Next time I will insist, as I know what has occurred in the past.


This is true, 555. Sometimes you can't see the dips, divots or holes hidden in the grass. I once cut across a yard at a brisk pace and trip on a mound I didn't see. I tucked and rolled as I fell. Sort of looked like an olympian as I got up, looked around to see if anyone was watching. One neighbor saw this happen. As I drove by him, I said, that's not sunburn on my face.:wink2:

I wanted to see if he would put it on at some point. He did wear it on the longer runs, but not while going block to block. Next time I will insist, as I know what has occurred in the past.
One time last year I had a ride along with a sup that I absolutely could not stand. At one stop as I was pulling up to get ready for a back he undid his seatbelt and jumped out while the truck was still moving. WRONG thing to do. I backed and got my pkgs out. As I was coming down the steps he said something to me and I answered him. (don't even remember what it was) After I answered him and as I was walking past him I said "Don't EVER do that again" He knew what I was talking about, too. Never said a word to me about it and never didi it again either. It's a good thing because if he had I would have left him sitting with no ride.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, and anyone can make a mistake. Don't get in their face, but point it out to them one on one. Give them the chance to correct it, and if they don't at lease you tried.

I had a over 250 lb refrigerator, that I refused to load in my car to deliver. I center manager told me to load it and deliver it with out any help or I would be terminated for insubordination. We got into a big argument and I left it there. At the end of the day I went and talk to the center manager. I told him that if I got hurt doing something that stupid, he would be the one terminated and I would be the one Workman's Comp. He finally sent another driver with me to help. I found out it not just what you say, but it's more on how you say it.

I'm a little late on this one, but sometimes it helps to know whats in the contract to help you.

Section 3. Inside Package Handling Procedures
Paragraph 4-
"Packages over 150 pounds shall not be picked up. However, if such a package is discovered in the UPS system, the package shall not be handled by a bargaining unit employee unless such package can be reasonably broken down into packages which do not exceed 70 pounds."

The way I see it, per the contract, you didn't have to touch that refrigerator. Never should have made it that far in the system.

I've used this card before, with a transmission strapped to a pallet, addressed to a car dealership. Rode around w/ it for 3 days. center manager finally made the customer come get it.


Just back from worker's comp Dr. Thinks my achille's is tendonitis and referred me for an MRI for my pinched nerve in my back. No light duty, as of yet. Also referred me for physical therapy for both issues. Gave me the usual anti-inflamatory meds and muscle relaxers. Steve don't do meds, sorry!

Talked to my supe about his on the grass infraction. He told me shortest point to the door, which is what I will do from now on. Forgot to mention that he crossed in front and behind the pkg car and I'll ask him about that one tomorrow, as I reem him about his seatbelt, LOL.:wink2:

Supes not happy about me going to the Dr on "perfect service, perfect safety" Monday.