respect my authority
Just back from worker's comp Dr. Thinks my achille's is tendonitis and referred me for an MRI for my pinched nerve in my back. No light duty, as of yet. Also referred me for physical therapy for both issues. Gave me the usual anti-inflamatory meds and muscle relaxers. Steve don't do meds, sorry!
Talked to my supe about his on the grass infraction. He told me shortest point to the door, which is what I will do from now on. Forgot to mention that he crossed in front and behind the pkg car and I'll ask him about that one tomorrow, as I reem him about his seatbelt, LOL.
Supes not happy about me going to the Dr on "perfect service, perfect safety" Monday.
Then mayby sup shouldnt have had you wait to fill out report.
Mayby sup should have let you go home that day instead of having someone ride with you.
i hope you will heal fully, does tendenitous heal?
At least you can hopefully work inside steve, i have not been able to since sept because mine is not work related.
that was ok at first but im sick of bieng home and i am missing the paycheck.
Keep us informed stug