I had the pleasure of going through the same thing about 6 years ago. I learned a lot about UPS management and the teamster. Most days my car is almost always too full to shut the doors, but it was empty on those three days. Every thing fit on the shelves, but the rear door stops. The air that I would have to break trace was cut off me to and given to an air driver and the load was perfectly loaded stop for stop. The on car said that he should not be able to keep up with me walking because I'm so much taller than him. I told him maybe UPS pay rate should be base on the person's height then. He wanted me the use the two wheel cart less and said that a person of my size and physical condition could carry more weight. I told him I don't want too injure my back like so many other drivers that cant work any more. He had me do illegal DR's and will call construction sites without attempting a delivery, so we could save time. The production numbers improved and I was told that there were going to hold me accountable if they go back the way they were. Well, my route went back to the way it was before and unfortunately, so did the production numbers. After a year or so of numerous wright ups, warring letters and grievance hearings over "not following proper working methods" and "not working the same supervised as not supervised", the harassment eventually stopped and when to the next driver that need little extra encouragement. CYA do every and all safety and work method, if you can follow them to the T you will run so far over allowed that they wont want to ride with you ever again. If the harassment makes you work faster than you will get more harassment. Review the 340 work methods and do them just as it says. Make sure you check all six sides of every package, don't load your cart inside of the package car, and get the signature first and then scan all the packages. Document everything that they did to change your route or dispatch and take pictures of your load. Ask your preloader if they were going through your truck before start time to set it up or gave the preloader extra time to load your car better. Be prepared to answer why the production numbers where better when you were supervise than when you were not. Saying that they set you up or they just don't like you because you made them mad, isn't the best defense to use at a grievance hearing. Good luck and do every thing by the book, because they fire most drivers for dishonesty than for production.