Saturday Ground Update


IE boogeyman
I don't think it's going to take that long, strike or no strike.
well kinda, they were looking to buy us out a few years ago but didn't because our infrastructure is really old and inefficient (not automated), but also because of our class A stock ownership

our infrastructure is being dragged into modern times in the next 5-10 years, so after that it's only the stock ownership that might stop them


Well-Known Member
well kinda, they were looking to buy us out a few years ago but didn't because our infrastructure is really old and inefficient (not automated), but also because of our class A stock ownership

our infrastructure is being dragged into modern times in the next 5-10 years, so after that it's only the stock ownership that might stop them

In other words...Amazon's plan for competing with UPS, is to eventually buy UPS?


IE boogeyman
LMAO my god clearly you have lived in your IE fantasy bubble for far too long
i dunno if you've noticed the changing demographics of the US and it's attitude towards labor, but yeah if there was another strike we'd be done for, or on a unstoppable decline, within a decade or less


Well-Known Member
i dunno if you've noticed the changing demographics of the US and it's attitude towards labor, but yeah if there was another strike we'd be done for, or on a unstoppable decline, within a decade or less

I used to think that too. But in a country where Bernie Sanders can get as much support as he did, you never know. You can't even spit out your window anymore without hitting someone who believes the minimum wage should be $12-$15, and that we should have free healthcare.

Whether or not these are good things is another discussion, but people may be more sympathetic to labor than you realize. Certainly moreso than I thought they were.


Well-Known Member
I used to think that too. But in a country where Bernie Sanders can get as much support as he did, you never know. You can't even spit out your window anymore without hitting someone who believes the minimum wage should be $12-$15, and that we should have free healthcare.

Whether or not these are good things is another discussion, but people may be more sympathetic to labor than you realize. Certainly more so than I thought they were.

If the next contract has the same or similar wage increases, we will be at or near $40/hr to do a job that requires only a HS diploma and valid driver's license. There will be zero sympathy if we decide to go on strike.


IE boogeyman
I used to think that too. But in a country where Bernie Sanders can get as much support as he did, you never know. You can't even spit out your window anymore without hitting someone who believes the minimum wage should be $12-$15, and that we should have free healthcare.

Whether or not these are good things is another discussion, but people may be more sympathetic to labor than you realize. Certainly moreso than I thought they were.
millenials like when the government sticks it to corporations, not unions because ultimately unions have no teeth except to be super annoying


Well-Known Member
Yeah because people have a warped perception. Just like some UPS employees who haven't worked anywhere else in their life.

Worked at a supermarket while in high school for minimum wage.

Worked at a Christmas bulb factory during the summers while in college for minimum wage.

2 years in college.

8 years on active duty in the Air Force.

Just started my 28th year at UPS.

We are overpaid for what we do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah because people have a warped perception. Just like some UPS employees who haven't worked anywhere else in their life.

Gotta feel sorry for someone who has only worked for UPS...They'll never trust management again, no matter where they go. But the reality is, at a lot of places managers or supervisors will have your back 100%. Just not in a union shop, apparently.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Just like the squeaky clean public perception of UPS. People always say wow that's great, what a fantastic company to work for! Maybe if you're at the top of the food chain but many have to walk through hell to get there.

Even at the top you don't necessrily find alot of happy people, just the few with the right attitudes. Obviously I'm not in the BOG.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Worked at a supermarket while in high school for minimum wage.

Worked at a Christmas bulb factory during the summers while in college for minimum wage.

2 years in college.

8 years on active duty in the Air Force.

Just started my 28th year at UPS.

We are overpaid for what we do.

Your opinion is irrellivant. Alot has changed in 28 years.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Having never driven for UPS, I'm not qualified to make that judgment. But for everyone like you that claims that you're overpaid, there's usually someone claiming that they earn every penny. Even @FrigidFTSup has stated in the past that he believes most drivers earn every penny.

Drivers earn every damn penny. I've worked in sewers and crap up to my chin building/repairing infrastructure and drivers earn every penny there with the physical and mental beating they take daily. Nothing but respect from me.

They may wear cute little brown uniforms and just hand boxes to people but it's alot more than that outside of the BOG