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golden ticket member
This video comes in time for strawberry season!

I was not aware of this one and have always just rinsed my strawberries in plain water and cut off the green as shown.....
Little did I know. Just sharing, in case the rest of you were not aware either.....

This is pretty interesting about strawberries.Strawberry insects!
How to properly clean strawberries.



Retired 23 years
I think I will just take the strawberries to bed with me and let the dust mites eat the strawberry worms



looks like good clean fun. When I was young we used to hang on car bumpers and slide all over town on a snowy day. We called it hitching. It was more fun if the car driver didn't realize you were back there. It also worked great hitching on the back of a semi-trailer.

We called it "skitching."