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golden ticket member
Subject: NASA technology--view development of a child in the womb from conception to birth--Awesome

Wanted to share this stunning and beautiful proof of “...we are fearfully and wonderfully made” by God our Creator! He “knit us together in our mother’s womb” is demonstrated in an unprecedented way in this magnificent, time-lapse video through collaboration of scientists and medicine!

A wonderful Christian Doctor and a nurse friend who worked with him over the years forwarded this to me………please share with others!

The miracle of life.


Retired 23 years

Damn--you could see that coming from a mile away. Yes I realize the bike rider was leagally riding his bike but come on--there is something called common sense that you would think would be telling you---hey- I've got a half dozen cars backed up trying to get around me and I just might be in danger here. Glad to see he wasn't killed but I know if that was me I would have walked my bike down the pedestrian side of the bridge and been safe. I imagine the guy that hit him didn't even know he was there til the last second.