Should Donald Trump be impeached?

Should Donald Trump be impeached

  • Yes-left leaning

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • No-left leaning

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Yes-right leaning

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No-right leaning

    Votes: 26 50.0%

  • Total voters
Maybe instead of focusing on Trump's crimes you should spend more time focusing on why your homies are such a small percentage of the population and yet responsible for such a large percentage of crime.

El Correcto

god is dead
But did the education that you did manage to get come courtesy of the publicly supported public school system?
No. It came courtesy of UPS. Government force credentialism was a waste of time for me. I don’t need some stupid liberal who became a teacher telling me when and what to learn.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So you're saying that I'm not a "Real American"?
If so what are you basing it on?
You wouldn't even know me if we passed on the street so how can you say that I'm not a "Real American"?
Your posts!

Move to Canada or Europe where you will be happier and amongst your peers.

@rickyb might have room in his Dad's basement.


Well-Known Member
Who, in their right mind, would want to know you?
Not me!!! :thumbdown
Once again deflecting the issue. You accused me of not being what you consider to be a "REAL AMERICAN" I responded by requiring you to support that accusation by describing what in your minds eye is a "Real American". In response is of course what we've come to expect.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member


Adam Schiff read aloud his fantasy of what the Trump call with Ukraine’s president might have sounded like. The only problem is that what he said wasn’t true, but a lot of people watching television probably thought it was. Schiff said the bit was a “parody,” which is odd since he also contends the transcript speaks for itself and it’s riddled with proof of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump is right, Schiff should resign. What a loser. :halfdead:


Well-Known Member
No. It came courtesy of UPS. Government force credentialism was a waste of time for me. I don’t need some stupid liberal who became a teacher telling me when and what to learn.
So you were home schooled? If so by whom and what were the instructors qualifications?


nowhere special

Adam Schiff read aloud his fantasy of what the Trump call with Ukraine’s president might have sounded like. The only problem is that what he said wasn’t true, but a lot of people watching television probably thought it was. Schiff said the bit was a “parody,” which is odd since he also contends the transcript speaks for itself and it’s riddled with proof of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump is right, Schiff should resign. What a loser. :halfdead:

Schiff thought he could get his fantasy read into the record. But got called on it and tried to weasel out of it.


Well-Known Member
No. It came courtesy of UPS. Government force credentialism was a waste of time for me. I don’t need some stupid liberal who became a teacher telling me when and what to learn.
Did UPS teach you how to read and write or did you not need to have those abilities in order to work for UPS?

El Correcto

god is dead
So you were home schooled? If so by whom and what were the instructors qualifications?
I didn’t home school. I graduate early from a reform school that kept me from dropping out. I was a grade or so behind when I went and had been sent to court over attendances/bounced around reform schools.

I don’t need government education. I’m a genius.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t home school. I graduate early from a reform school that kept me from dropping out. I was a grade or so behind when I went and had been sent to court over attendances/bounced around reform schools.

I don’t need government education. I’m a genius.
"Reform" schools are simply another form of taxpayer supported public education. And if not for them chances are you could have never applied for employment with UPS because you couldn't read the application.
You cluckers amuse me to no end. One on the funniest events involving one occurred at the school board meeting a few weeks ago. This clucker went railing in front of the school board accusing it of teaching what he claimed to "socialism" and the threat to the public he believed it represented.........The guy's living on Social Security.......They laughed him clear out of the room.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Once again deflecting the issue. You accused me of not being what you consider to be a "REAL AMERICAN" I responded by requiring you to support that accusation by describing what in your minds eye is a "Real American". In response is of course what we've come to expect.
Expecting me to engage you in a real conversation is just plain goofy.
You are not worth my time except to kid around.
I don't take you seriously and you shouldn't either. :tongue_sm

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Adam Schiff read aloud his fantasy of what the Trump call with Ukraine’s president might have sounded like. The only problem is that what he said wasn’t true, but a lot of people watching television probably thought it was. Schiff said the bit was a “parody,” which is odd since he also contends the transcript speaks for itself and it’s riddled with proof of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump is right, Schiff should resign. What a loser. :halfdead:
Trump does the same thing all the time?
Think about it.
Turn about is fair play.