Should I become a on car supervisor


Nine Lives
Then you understand that moving a supe around serves two purposes:

1) the supe sees it as a feather in his cap that inflates his ego and;

2) it scares the hourly worker. "Who is this guy and what's he gonna do to us?'.
3) Not holding his assigned drivers accountable ... especially if in the same center that he drove.


Well-Known Member
3) Not holding his assigned drivers accountable ... especially if in the same center that he drove.

I would get a thrill out of holding every coworker accountable for their actions. I've been called an over achiever many times. But I just do my job to the best of my ability with safety being the first thing on my mind


Package Center Manager
You forgot one important thing

When you are an hourly, you punch out and go home

Can you say the same for management?

It is part of the responsibility when you are a supervisor/manager at any business. It is not unique to UPS. I do not get a whole lot of calls once I leave for the day because my people are trained to handle things when I have left for the day. The same can be said for them, once they leave for the day they rarely get a call from me.

To address the retirement at 55. The last drivers that have retired in this area (25+ years) are working jobs that pay them $10-$15 an hour they are working 40+ hours a week at that job and paying $400 or more a month for insurance from the teamsters. Sounds like they got it made. A couple of them were old enough to start collecting SS...they were well pass 55 if you get my meaning.

If we were really that smart, maybe we would all have worked some where else early on.
It is part of the responsibility when you are a supervisor/manager at any business. It is not unique to UPS. I do not get a whole lot of calls once I leave for the day because my people are trained to handle things when I have left for the day. The same can be said for them, once they leave for the day they rarely get a call from me.

To address the retirement at 55. The last drivers that have retired in this area (25+ years) are working jobs that pay them $10-$15 an hour they are working 40+ hours a week at that job and paying $400 or more a month for insurance from the teamsters. Sounds like they got it made. A couple of them were old enough to start collecting SS...they were well pass 55 if you get my meaning.

If we were really that smart, maybe we would all have worked some where else early on.
I'm just saying that something to take into consideration. We all have tough jobs here
But when I punch out, I'm done for the day.

That means a lot to me


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
If you let these guys make the decision for you (on the internet), then you really were not a leader anyway.
He is spot on when he says that anymore who solicits the advice of strangers on the Internet before making such a decision does not have what it takes to be a leader.
I'd be careful throwing around terms like "leader". Never have I known an on-car whom I aspired to work like or be anything like. Work-as-directed is one thing, having enough admiration to truly follow is an entirely other.


Bad Moon Risen'
Only In America can you have a High School Diploma and make more than someone who "wasted 4 to 5 years" taking business classes they are the dopes
My wife graduated with a Business degree from UW-Madison. During our 25 years of marriage she has just about doubled my income most of those years.