So who won the debate?


Well-Known Member
The 9.5 thing still stings. When it first came about, EVERYBODY(at least in my neck of the woods) had to be off the clock before 9.5. Then, and I'm not sure how this happened mid-contract, we have to grieve onto a list AFTER we work over 9.5 for three days and it only lasts for a certain amount of months?? 7 I think. This of course brings a 3 day ride along and BS harrassment from mgt. It seemed that UPS said hey this ain't working for us we need to change it so it better benefits us.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Count your raises. Tell me what they were. Add health and pension too. Get back to me.

My pension just got cut 20%. Yours will be next. A company making 4 billion a quarter. They should give raises. But, the union conceded with them being split. I have NO gripe at all about health. I thank them. That is it. Otherwise the union got their Azzez handed to them in every other aspect of the contract

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
My pension just got cut 20%. Yours will be next. A company making 4 billion a quarter. They should give raises. But, the union conceded with them being split. I have NO gripe at all about health. I thank them. That is it. Otherwise the union got their Azzez handed to them in every other aspect of the contract
Dumb. My pension won't be next. We negotiated an incredible amount but your concern is the fact that more people are retiring than being put in the plan. If I gave you 8oz of water in a 16oz glass, would it be half full or half empty?