The media coverage today would paint a far different picture.
"Overpaid Crybabies" would be the headline in the morning paper.
Your blanket condemnation is incomplete.
Strike on what issue(s)?
The media and general public aren't involved in our struggles nor do they contribute directly to our pension plans, etc.
The strike in 97 would not have changed whether we had public support or no support.
UPSers must and will deal with our own issues even if we have to stand alone.
Yea, I know about the part time America slant to the strike but the strike was not just about giving pt timers full time jobs.
This conversation will no doubt be endless knowing your attitude ( by your own admission you painted and did construction instead of coming to the strike line every day to support your coworkers) so I'll end my rebuttal here.
If you're afraid of the waves don't get into the boat.