Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

You know I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but I’m sure many of you know already that every blue state governor is on board for another lockdown by mid august. This is because teachers unions refuse to allow a normal school year and it’s a boom for Amazon and big tech


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This has nothing to do with them.

1) everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated at this point. The unvaxxed have made their bed. Who cares if they get sick?

2) even the vaccinated are getting and spreading the virus.

Short of hospitals being completely overran at this point it should be everything 100% open life as usual.

This is about control. It’s about pitting two sides against each other. If you think this is the unvaccinated’s fault you’ve been politically played like a fiddle.
99% of the new cases are unvaccinated…


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Has it prevented you from getting the flu?
I’ve gotten a flu shot every year for the past 25 years. And I have gotten a bad case of the flu about 5 times. Since I deal with the public on a daily basis and am at much greater risk of exposure, in my case the flu shot has been 80% effective. Which comes in neatly between the published efficacy rates of the J&J vaccine (65%) and the Pfizer/Moderna (low 90’s.) And in that 25 years I have had zero side effects from the flu shots other than a sore arm and feeling like crap the next day. Which was also what happened when I got the J&J shot. Its almost as if vaccines work and the vaccine makers actually know what they hell they are doing. Who knew? 🤷🏼‍♂️
I’ve gotten a flu shot every year for the past 25 years. And I have gotten a bad case of the flu about 5 times. Since I deal with the public on a daily basis and am at much greater risk of exposure, in my case the flu shot has been 80% effective. Which comes in neatly between the published efficacy rates of the J&J vaccine (65%) and the Pfizer/Moderna (low 90’s.) And in that 25 years I have had zero side effects from the flu shots other than a sore arm and feeling like crap the next day. Which was also what happened when I got the J&J shot. Its almost as if vaccines work and the vaccine makers actually know what they hell they are doing. Who knew? 🤷🏼‍♂️
I got two shots Moderna and second one made me sick as hell
I’ve gotten a flu shot every year for the past 25 years. And I have gotten a bad case of the flu about 5 times. Since I deal with the public on a daily basis and am at much greater risk of exposure, in my case the flu shot has been 80% effective. Which comes in neatly between the published efficacy rates of the J&J vaccine (65%) and the Pfizer/Moderna (low 90’s.) And in that 25 years I have had zero side effects from the flu shots other than a sore arm and feeling like crap the next day. Which was also what happened when I got the J&J shot. Its almost as if vaccines work and the vaccine makers actually know what they hell they are doing. Who knew? 🤷🏼‍♂️

in this case the medical community is seriously corrupt and compromised. Hence the gain of function research that started this entire game


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This * with the covid is so arbitrary and absurd and obviously political that it shocks me that even one person could buy into it
This * with vaccine hesitancy and mask paranoia/sense of entitlement is so arbitrary and absurd and obviously political that it shocks me that even one person could buy into it. But hey, keep on drinking that Qool-aid if it makes you happy….
This * with vaccine hesitancy and mask paranoia/sense of entitlement is so arbitrary and absurd and obviously political that it shocks me that even one person could buy into it. But hey, keep on drinking that Qool-aid if it makes you happy….
Yeah but if yours works it shouldn’t affect you one iota. Or should I say delta. I had the virus I recovered. I don’t need it. Case closed
This * with vaccine hesitancy and mask paranoia/sense of entitlement is so arbitrary and absurd and obviously political that it shocks me that even one person could buy into it. But hey, keep on drinking that Qool-aid if it makes you happy….
You know what’s funny is our side warned you repeatedly it wouldn’t be your ticket to freedom and still you fell right for it. And now you can’t sleep! You’re worried you made the wrong decision and you want me to suffer with you well no I won’t sorry