Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

Well-Known Member
The orange man who's a fascist, you mean. Don't really care if he's liberal or conservative if he supports using violence to gain political power.

Who is stopping you from using violence to get your "revenge"? Don't you see how crazy you sound? Why are you so angry?

You say this as if the other side didn’t use the BLM riots and Antifa riots to gain power.

Remember they were mostly peaceful.

Ya OJ Simpson was mostly peaceful that night too. Just took a few minutes to make him a murderer.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why nobody was let into a hospital for the better part of a year. Murder for hire. They do it with abortion you think it’s beneath them ?
You aren’t just drinking the Qool-aid, you are freaking injecting it.
You aren’t just drinking the Qool-aid, you are freaking injecting it.
These people have proven they’re ok with murder. And they had a financial incentive to do it are you that blind to reality ?? Christ someone last year came into work at my other job and said he worked at a hospital and someone had died of a heroin od. He said they want me to sign off that covid killed him or they’ll fire me and it doesn’t feel right to do this. You gotta take my word for it but it’s a real story . Confirmed what I already knew


Well-Known Member
How'd your day go posting dumb racist memes on 8chan, son? Did you accomplish anything or make the world a better place?
if covid is so scary... why did 81 year old pelosi risk her life for a haircut at the start of the "pandemic," or newsome eat out with a huge group of health experts unmasked, or chicago mayor yell into a crowd with a loud speak unmasked? Aren't they scared of it? what do you think?
if covid is so scary... why did 81 year old pelosi risk her life for a haircut at the start of the "pandemic," or newsome eat out with a huge group of health experts unmasked, or chicago mayor yell into a crowd with a loud speak unmasked? Aren't they scared of it? what do you think?
They have no intention of living by the rules they have planned for the dumbed down masses. Totalitarians rarely do


Pees in the brown Koolaid
75% of the cases in the cape cod outbreak were vaccinated.

99% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed but MANY cases are vaccinated.
75% of new cases in a particular outbreak being vaccinated can be chalked up to a statistical outlier. The more important metric is the percentage of deaths and serious hospitalizations which is running about 99%+ unvaccinated. No one ever said the vaccines were perfect, no one ever said masks were perfect, no one ever said social distancing or handwashing was perfect. Taken together, they are a public health strategy to minimize the overall rate of death and serious illness in a population of 332 million people. If a given strategy is 1% effective at reducing deaths, thats over 3 million people.
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75% of new cases in a particular outbreak can be chalked up to a statistical outlier. The more important metric is the percentage of deaths and serious hospitalizations which is running about 99%+ unvaccinated.
So it’s their issue not yours suddenly you care about us dumb right wingers. Shut up and let me die then. You wanna take away cigarettes from people too I’m sure ?
See that’s the problem with “liberals”. I put that in quotations because they are actually against freedom. They are incapable of minding their own business.
Yeah I know the agenda is just full control of your entire life. You have the freedom to do nothing. Unless you’re a woman (yes only women can bear children) who wants to murder your unborn child. That is your body your choice


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So it’s their issue not yours suddenly you care about us dumb right wingers. Shut up and let me die then. You wanna take away cigarettes from people too I’m sure ?
No, I dont want to take away cigarettes. And while I might think that someone is an idiot for not getting vaccinated, I am opposed to forcing vaccines on adults even though the unvaccinated allow the virus to survive and mutate. But if your employer wants to mandate vaccines or masks in their workplace they have that right and if you dont want to comply then quit your job and go to Mar A Lago and maybe Trump will hire you.
No, I dont want to take away cigarettes. And while I might think that someone is an idiot for not getting vaccinated, I am opposed to forcing vaccines on adults even though the unvaccinated allow the virus to survive and mutate. But if your employer wants to mandate vaccines or masks in their workplace they have that right and if you dont want to comply then quit your job and go to Mar A Lago and maybe Trump will hire you.
but of course its gonna mutate that would happen regardless covid can't be eradicated from the earth any more than the common cold thats impossible. If it mutates it gets weaker each time


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
75% of new cases in a particular outbreak being vaccinated can be chalked up to a statistical outlier. The more important metric is the percentage of deaths and serious hospitalizations which is running about 99%+ unvaccinated. No one ever said the vaccines were perfect, no one ever said masks were perfect, no one ever said social distancing or handwashing was perfect. Taken together, they are a public health strategy to minimize the overall rate of death and serious illness in a population of 332 million people. If a given strategy is 1% effective at reducing deaths, thats over 3 million people.
And 99% of unvaxxed survive the virus. Your math assumes every person would die lol.

You’re way off on this man you should just stop now.
And 99% of unvaxxed survive the virus. Your math assumes every person would die lol.

You’re way off on this man you should just stop now.
these people still believe Al Gore when he said the year I was born that the world would be over by now. Of course now covid has replaced climate change same agenda different crisis so there's no use for him anymore
No it doesn’t.
Not everyone dies from Covid, but over 99% of the people who do die of Covid-19 are unvaccinated.
When the cause of death can be manipulated to push any narrative they want it really doesn't mean very much. Who are these people? Who did the autopsy? Who is compiling these statistics? How do we know they're not lying? I mean they just recently admitted that for over a year they could not differentiate between C19 and flu. Meaning their PCR test was garbage. And now we're expected to believe this? The lambda chi delta variant is surging. Only unvaccinated people are dying. But the vaccine doesn't protect you from this new toy. Which is very contagious but as usual nobody sees it anywhere but on the news and they dont know theyre sick. So yeah. Doesn't compute
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
When the cause of death can be manipulated to push any narrative they want it really doesn't mean very much. Who are these people? Who did the autopsy? Who is compiling these statistics? How do we know they're not lying?
You are right. I give up. Everything in life is a sinister conspiracy. Everything is a hoax. Everyone is lying. Believe nobody. Trust no one. Anthony Fauci spent decades getting educated in virology and serving in public health because his life goal was to oppress a bunch of rednecks in 2020 by telling them to wear masks. It all makes sense to me now. How could I have been so naive?
You are right. I give up. Everything in life is a sinister conspiracy. Everything is a hoax. Everyone is lying. Believe nobody. Trust no one. Anthony Fauci spent decades getting educated in virology and serving in public health because his life goal was to oppress a bunch of rednecks by telling them to wear masks. It all makes sense to me now. How could I have been so naive?
If you trust anyone in government that long you're a fool. Hes a professional liar and he played you and you're understandably angry you should be. The man colluded with the Chinese to release this contagion. Hes an enemy of the state and he knows it. Forget the masks dude the mask was just a tool to establish your compliance. It could've been a helmet would have the same effect. What you should be worried about is everything coming next
You are right. I give up. Everything in life is a sinister conspiracy. Everything is a hoax. Everyone is lying. Believe nobody. Trust no one. Anthony Fauci spent decades getting educated in virology and serving in public health because his life goal was to oppress a bunch of rednecks in 2020 by telling them to wear masks. It all makes sense to me now. How could I have been so naive?
only the unvaccinated are gonna wear masks thats gonna be the new Star of David that you're dirty and unclean. All the problems in America are your fault etc etc. You are hiding enemies of the state are you not?