Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

Fauci also told us in the beginning that masks were not necessary. They offered maybe a very slight help to prevent infection.....
Well it’s obvious why he said that there wasnt some magical new groundbreaking discovery on masks between last January when he said that and March. But other than having a god complex fauci had to set the stage for it to be mandated by saying there’s no reason to do it

The Driver

I drive.
Fauci also told us in the beginning that masks were not necessary. They offered maybe a very slight help to prevent infection.....
Cloth masks buy you maybe 10 minutes in a room with aerosolized virus. It’s not pretty.

Dr. Fauci was trying to prevent a run on N95 masks that the healthcare industry desperately needed more of. Tough decision to make but he did the right thing and had said as much.

The Driver

I drive.
if covid is so scary... why did 81 year old pelosi risk her life for a haircut at the start of the "pandemic," or newsome eat out with a huge group of health experts unmasked, or chicago mayor yell into a crowd with a loud speak unmasked? Aren't they scared of it? what do you think?
They’re flawed human beings? Dunno. Their opinion doesn’t matter. What the top level scientists say matters.


Well-Known Member
It's not a hoax. It's a pathogen that's killed over 600,000 Americans and counting. And we have vaccines that protect you at no cost to you at the time of injection. And then it's over for you until you may need a booster shot. Like we do for influenza every year.

Then you can sit back smugly and watch over-confident morons get themselves killed. ;) Just kidding.
Which vax protects you?

The Driver

I drive.
There were hundreds of violent riots throughout the summer. That's not a mischaracterization it's an indisputable fact.
Were they intended to disrupt the constitutional duty of a sitting Congress whose express purpose was the peaceful transfer of power, for example?

Face it. Donald J. Trump is a fascist. You support an out and out fascist.

Well-Known Member
Were they intended to disrupt the constitutional duty of a sitting Congress whose express purpose was the peaceful transfer of power, for example?

Face it. Donald J. Trump is a fascist. You support an out and out fascist.

They were used to hype up the rhetoric just like you’re doing here. You’re a good soldier.

I’m checking out of this discussion. It’s pointless.

If people choose to get the vaccine, good for them.

If people choose not to get it, good for them.

We each weigh our risks and weigh them against all available evidence. You can’t expect everyone to see things the same way you do. It’s never been done nor will it ever be done.

I try to stay neutral in political talk as both sides are full of hypocrites and people only seeking to do what is best for them. It’s not a government of the people. It’s a government of the elites. The average person doesn’t matter.

That being said, I believe the vaccines are incredibly effective and have encouraged my parents to get it. They are over 70. I’ve had covid and recovered. My natural immunity and those of millions of others is not worthless. I’ve weighed the risk and made my decision. That’s all we can ask. People look at the evidence. Consult medical professionals you trust. Get a second opinion if you think they're misguided. Then make a personal decision. It’s none of my business what you choose.

I wish you all the best, I really do. Each side could do well to get out of their echo chamber and just try to be a little more understanding. Dehumanizing one another is counterproductive.


Well-Known Member
Were they intended to disrupt the constitutional duty of a sitting Congress whose express purpose was the peaceful transfer of power, for example?

Face it. Donald J. Trump is a fascist. You support an out and out fascist.
Oh no! a bunch of people (who own the Capitol) went inside and “threatened” politicians because they perceived their actions to be wrong! How horrible!


Well-Known Member
Cloth masks buy you maybe 10 minutes in a room with aerosolized virus. It’s not pretty.

Dr. Fauci was trying to prevent a run on N95 masks that the healthcare industry desperately needed more of. Tough decision to make but he did the right thing and had said as much.
Do you actually believe this narrative?

Or are you just hoping we will?

Inb4 fauci claims he was trying to prevent a run on ivermectin by pushing the jabs


Well-Known Member
Oh no! a bunch of people (who own the Capitol) went inside and “threatened” politicians because they perceived their actions to be wrong! How horrible!
These people are indistinguishable from religious cultists.

If you speak to one of them youve spoken to all of them. They might as well be reciting from a script, since they just repeat what the mainstream media narrative is verbatim.

They are incapable of making an original point, giving their own individual analysis, or relating their personal experiences to a situation. Which is why the NPC meme took off like it did.

Like all cults, subconsciously they understand that if they questioned the narrative they would be ostracized from the group. And they know how the group feels about outsiders, and how they will inevitably refer to them as racist/sexist/whateverphobic if they stop repeating the narrative (silence is violence, they arent allowed to stop)

Because of that, their subconscious won’t even let them question it. Like an alcoholic whos walls come up if someone criticizes their drinking, its a defense mechanism of the mental illness.

Don’t waste your time by “arguing” with them, if you want to know what they think you can turn on CNN.

Dont turn on CNN though, its terrible.