Strike Vote


Pineapple King
Repossession is always a last resort. Usually takes months of non payment and no communication.
Can’t argue with that. When my dad passed away I contacted the bank he had his car financed through that he had passed and I was moving his car from his apartment complex to my house as a courtesy. Would’ve been towed from the complex to who knows where. Took them 4 months to come get it(even with me calling every month)and those slime balls came and got it at 3 am like some shady repo,


Guys don't understand how important this vote it nor do many of them understand why they take a strike vote.

The leadership from our local was out in the employee lot today handing out information, the strike authorization vote and some other Teamster goodies. The ignorance and/or disinterest from the part timers on both the preload and local sort as they came in was amazing.
The leadership from our local was out in the employee lot today handing out information, the strike authorization vote and some other Teamster goodies. The ignorance and/or disinterest from the part timers on both the preload and local sort as they came in was amazing.
It's truly sad many of them don't care and they have good reason not to care.