Strike Vote

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
The leadership from our local was out in the employee lot today handing out information, the strike authorization vote and some other Teamster goodies. The ignorance and/or disinterest from the part timers on both the preload and local sort as they came in was amazing.
Managed to get most hubrats to vote in my sort and the following sort today. A few disinterested and flat out rude, but they’ll learn, lol.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
It's sad that they make a small amount of money but they do not realize how much the benefits are worth.
And many of them do not stick around for very long.
It's very different time my friend
It sucks because the ones that do get involved eventually become full time. Most are either in between jobs, or going to school. They more than likely look at me and think I go too hard with grieving, but I’m in it for the long haul. Don’t really have any translatable skills to go and I’m getting old. This career can eventually help pay for a decent home and perhaps even help my parents with a at home nurse when the time comes for them to retire since we lost the house years back.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
Work ethic sucks today. I made half that when I started, and I damn sure would and did fight for more in 97. I’m afraid it’s a losing battle today.
I say it’s so so. We have a major entitlement problem, but they don’t want to fight for it. Rather get hand outs and act the victim. Closed mouths don’t get fed, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Live off the 40 hours and invest the other 7.5 hours in a tax deferred plan of your choice and walk away at your first available opportunity.

That hour and a half at camp on Friday isn't worth more than the whole piece.

You can have both.
Orrrr just work 40 hrs and buy a normal sized truck and skip the boat and 4 kids …

By the way …some people know how to make money outside UPS 😉

Obviously all you know how to do is sling cardboard for a living



New Member
NC union made the vote only on Friday and Sunday in another city. Half the pre-loaders here don't have cars to get there. If we all take a sick day friday to vote it's seen as a strike. Seems intentional...that or uncoordinated.