Take a knee?

Do you support them taking a knee?

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nowhere special

Oh Shoot

Well-Known Member
There is no winning or losing with this. There are idiots that are kneeling, and other idiots that support them for doing that. It's just so idiotic that they are protesting one of our patriotic symbols that represents the freedom that they have to protest. So in the end, they are protesting their freedom to protest. Idiots.

If they want to make a statement with their protesting, they should just protest by kneeling throughout the entire game.

If the NFL had just nipped this in the bud IMMEDIATELY when it started, we wouldn't have this problem at all. Yes, they have the freedom and right to express themselves by kneeling, but the NFL and owners also have the freedom and right to kick them back into the locker room for the anthem.

The only "losing" going on here is America losing because of all this continuing, instead of putting a stop to it. It's like watching a 5yo throw themselves on the floor in McDonald's because he didn't get a Happy Meal. Yes, he has the right to do that. But then his parents have a RESPONSIBILITY to take care of that behavior. Just like the NFL and team owners have a responsibility to act like adults and take care of this before it creates even further problems down the road. Just like the 5yo will if nothing is done to him.


golden ticket member
Breaking news

The NFL announced today that for financial reasons they had to eliminate one team from the league.
They've decided to combine the Green Bay Packers and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and form one team, causing many layoffs but saving millions of dollars in costs. The new team will be known as the TAMPACKS.
Unfortunately, they're only good for one period and they have no second string.

Oh Shoot

Well-Known Member
First, the National Anthem is not the place the protest. Second these guys kneel, then feel like they did something important. These guys feel so strongly about this issue, then show up, play football, go home, take the money they get paid, and go do something with it to really make a difference.
Unfortunately, football is no longer a team sport and has become a me me me sport. It's not about what the team does, it's about what dance can I come up with after I make a play. Quit showboating, you did your job!
I have been so turned off by the NFL and will watch more college football. MLB doesn't have the showboating like the NFL.


Staff member
First, the National Anthem is not the place the protest. Second these guys kneel, then feel like they did something important. These guys feel so strongly about this issue, then show up, play football, go home, take the money they get paid, and go do something with it to really make a difference.
Unfortunately, football is no longer a team sport and has become a me me me sport. It's not about what the team does, it's about what dance can I come up with after I make a play. Quit showboating, you did your job!
I have been so turned off by the NFL and will watch more college football. MLB doesn't have the showboating like the NFL.
So...don't watch NFL games.

Seriously. I don't see how people get so irate by what people do for 3 freaking minutes before a three hours sporting event. I really have no idea if half the NFL have radically different political views than I do. Pretty sure they do. Just don't care.