The future of Brown Cafe

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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It can be brutal on her sometimes.


I'm a star
It can be brutal on her sometimes.
I really don't remember what the posters name was but he posted some pictures of a rock collection or something like that and he got his ass beat into to the ground

Man, if that's what you guys call getting your ass beat into the ground, it's no wonder you're all a bunch of sensitive pansies. I stopped posting on that thread because I have other places I post that stuff, and decided to keep it separate. But, maybe I'll resurrect it now.
Man, if that's what you guys call getting your ass beat into the ground, it's no wonder you're all a bunch of sensitive pansies. I stopped posting on that thread because I have other places I post that stuff, and decided to keep it separate. But, maybe I'll resurrect it now.
Well there's no reason to jump on somebody if they don't do anything to you

Baltimore to come out swim I'll be more than happy to pull machine gun out


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Man, if that's what you guys call getting your ass beat into the ground, it's no wonder you're all a bunch of sensitive pansies. I stopped posting on that thread because I have other places I post that stuff, and decided to keep it separate. But, maybe I'll resurrect it now.
Do it.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
ok tks ,does the site make money ?
It was making enough off Google Ads to pay the bills and that's about it. It's a niche website without a lot of hits. I don't see the ads, I think non-members see them or members that don't log on.


Well-Known Member
The site makes money selling ads I would think or hope. When I first got on here after leaving BIG BROWN, I felt the site did not want you to discuss matters that might not not be viewed by UPS in a good light. I was talking serious topics then someone would post recipes on the same thread I felt that was done to change the topic. Some hero told me that I should hit the road or something like that when I said take the recipes to a different thread .
morelucks meatball recipes were legendary here. At the same time thats what made this place special. Those who were here originally wanted it to be a place to unwind and get away from the teamster / company wars.
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