A "NO" vote would just meam that you continue working without a contract, and all employees are entitled to vote even if they did not sign cards. Once teamsters were recognized by the NLRB they were recognized for ALL affected employess, not just the card signers, so every one has the right to vote. But I would recommend that everyone affected take the time to read the posting that is up at every terminal from the NLRB. This is in regards to the 45 day cooling off period. That 45 days is NOT between teamsters and UPS but between the teamsters and the RANK AND FILE. In other words, US. If we the employees are having second thoughts within the 45 days of the posting (ours went up 3-28) we can:
1. Decertify Teamsters.
2. Request different representation from another union.
3. Decide we don't want representation at all.
All that is required is a petition that is properly formatted declaring the employees intentions. (Here's the best part) It only requires 30% of ALL
bargaining agents represented by the union even if they did NOT sign cards. But if you have any questions by all means possible call the toll free number on the poster. I found the information officer from our district to be not only quite efficient but extremely helpful in explaining what our options are under the law.