Brute forcing the problem is not the answer. 150 stops and only visiting each stop once allows for 57133839564458545904789328652610540031895535786011264182548375833179829124845398393126574488675311145377107878746854204162666250198684504466355949195922066574942592095735778929325357290444962472405416790722118445437122269675520000000000000000000000000000000000000 possible combinations (let's just call this 6*10^262 for convenience). Maybe you have a supercomputer that can do 200 trillion calculations per second (2*10^14) and assuming that it only takes one calculation to find one combination (which is obviously not the case, but let's just go with it). Literally the world's fastest supercomputer. So it takes that supercomputer about 3*10^248 seconds to do the calculation. Or about 9.5*10^240 years. One trillion years is practically nothing compared to this span of time.
Even speeding up our supercomputer by several orders of magnitude barely helps. We just can't do it with our current level of technology. For that matter, we may NEVER be able to do it in a reasonable time frame at any level of technology humans will achieve.
First, there is not necessarily bound to be a set of possibilities with identical outcomes. It's possible, but not guaranteed. Second, ORION isn't something that would be considered AI. Something like optical character recognition isn't even commonly considered AI. Third, creating some rules to evaluate n=50 different (already computed) solutions to a problem like this where miles and time (or cost, or whatever else you're looking at) are equivalent isn't difficult. Just evaluate those 50 best solutions based on some other criteria (or set of criteria) that's pre-determined. If somehow there's *still* a tie and you can't find any more parameters to evaluate and make a decision, just pick one at random.
This isn't that far off from how people make complicated decisions between very similar options. Look at other criteria you weren't initially looking at before (or weren't initially presented with the information on). If all options or just some options are still basically equivalent, pick between those options at random if forced to make a choice. And the reason it's similar is because a person is evaluating such a decision in our example case.