Ah. So it's all a conspiracy? It never really happened? Tea Party/Trumpeteers just a bunch of friendly neighborhood folk (as long as you're the right color/religion that is)?
well during the primaries your Hillary folks would send out hired goons to pretend to be trump supporters starting fights and acting like racists.
your media likes to go to a tea party rally and show the one white racist in the crowd of otherwise peaceful protesters. they make sure they never show the tea party members of color . yet if you take 5 minutes to search you can find a ton of supporters of of various races and ethnicities that supported trump or the tea party.
whenever there is a divisive issue being argued between the two parties the media loves to roll out a rino like McCain or Graham to make it look like there is total chaos in the republican party.
when you watch CNN or MSNBC which I do quite frequently they chase and wear out every story that bashes the conservatives and trump
so yes to answer your question the fact that that 98 percent of the media supported Hillary Clinton really shows in how the issues are covered.
the real story behind the trump win was that the voters finally ignored all the negative spin by the media and went against it.