Two sorts?


Well-Known Member
So we were told that Express is moving to a new operations model soon. The part time pickup drivers will be our new p1 drivers šŸ˜‚ and will run the early a.m. sort.
The full time drivers will supposedly come in around 10 a.m. and do p2s then pickups.
Why is it EVERY TIME they change something itā€™s always for the worse?


Well-Known Member
So we were told that Express is moving to a new operations model soon. The part time pickup drivers will be our new p1 drivers šŸ˜‚ and will run the early a.m. sort.
The full time drivers will supposedly come in around 10 a.m. and do p2s then pickups.
Why is it EVERY TIME they change something itā€™s always for the worse?
Because theyā€™re the greatest company in the world. Youā€™re expected to willingly sacrifice your time with friends and family in order meet their operational needs which now require you to work until 8-830 PM. If you donā€™t like it, you can quit for no compensation and be replaced by one of the hundreds of thousands of low-income, unskilled workers who Fat Freddy deludes himself into thinking are clamoring to come work for him. I hope Fat Freddy is buying tarps by the balk. Heā€™ll be needing plenty of them come Christmas season.


Well-Known Member
I heard the same thing too. I just wonder how many full time employees are going to take Being told: ā€œ hey, we know youā€™ve basically worked 7:45-16:30 for the last 14 yrs, but now we need you to work 11:30-20:10.ā€ Sound good?


Well-Known Member
I've heard this also, but without the actual start times. IF those start times are accurate, I hope they have money for more trucks. No way we'll be able to run with the trucks we have, since the 'P1 drivers' won't be back in time.

Does the LEO have hotkeys? I'll need to send a message every day 'Need P2 help to make my PM'


Well-Known Member
I heard the same thing too. I just wonder how many full time employees are going to take Being told: ā€œ hey, we know youā€™ve basically worked 7:45-16:30 for the last 14 yrs, but now we need you to work 11:30-20:10.ā€ Sound good?
How many of the PM couriers are going to want to work AM shifts when they applied for PM hours? Fat Freddy doesnā€™t care. This is what he wants to see. Lots of turnover is coming, but unfortunately for him, heā€™ll be replacing most of these workers with tarps.


Well-Known Member
We canā€™t even launch VALET, lol.. thatā€™s been ā€˜coming soon, for over a year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Oh this is coming, make no mistake. Fat Freddy needs all hands on deck this Christmas season, so itā€™ll be a few months yet. But come January, youā€™ll probably find out one Friday afternoon that your start time for Monday is 1030 AM.


Well-Known Member
Oh this is coming, make no mistake. Fat Freddy needs all hands on deck this Christmas season, so itā€™ll be a few months yet. But come January, youā€™ll probably find out one Friday afternoon that your start time for Monday is 1030 AM.
"You ain't seen nothing yet.....Bbbbbaby you just ain't seen nothing yet".....Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Two sorts a day , 7 days a week......And the news gets even better........SPLIT WORK WEEKS!......While some of you will still be M-friend another bunch will be friend-T........Just think of all the neat things you can due on Wednesday and Thursday!.

Might as well learn to cherish the experience......because there ain't a damn thing you can do about it......and it all began on that fateful morning 22 years ago when Fat Freddy picked up the phone and called Dan Sullivan . That's when the downward path for Express employees got underway.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
So we were told that Express is moving to a new operations model soon. The part time pickup drivers will be our new p1 drivers šŸ˜‚ and will run the early a.m. sort.
The full time drivers will supposedly come in around 10 a.m. and do p2s then pickups.
Why is it EVERY TIME they change something itā€™s always for the worse?
This was supposed to be tried at a Florida station in September. They have since put it off a year to next September. That really says , after looking further into this , it will never work. Itā€™s some engineer trying to keep his job relevant. He probably never ran a route in his life


Well-Known Member
"You ain't seen nothing yet.....Bbbbbaby you just ain't seen nothing yet".....Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Two sorts a day , 7 days a week......And the news gets even better........SPLIT WORK WEEKS!......While some of you will still be M-friend another bunch will be friend-T........Just think of all the neat things you can due on Wednesday and Thursday!
The most astounding part is that there will still be scores of people lining up to defend it. "Having Wednesday and Thursday off is AWESOME!! Now I can grocery shop without crowds and I can make dentist appointments for whatever time of the day I want instead of it needing to be late in the afternoon........which I could no longer do thanks to my new PM shift!! Heil Freddy! Heil FedEx!"


Well-Known Member
This was supposed to be tried at a Florida station in September. They have since put it off a year to next September. That really says , after looking further into this , it will never work. Itā€™s some engineer trying to keep his job relevant. He probably never ran a route in his life
It doesn't have to work in order for it to be forced into practice. Look at DRA, for example. There's actual reality and FedEx reality. They rarely are congruent, but they don't have to be when you're the greatest company in the world.


Well-Known Member
This was supposed to be tried at a Florida station in September. They have since put it off a year to next September. That really says , after looking further into this , it will never work. Itā€™s some engineer trying to keep his job relevant. He probably never ran a route in his life
Don't be too sure about that. Simply look at the Ground example. No matter how much hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce the business model/ operations plan will be made to work regardless of the hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce. Especially when you're dealing with a company that no longer harbors any fear regarding the prospect of heavy employee turnover.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
Don't be too sure about that. Simply look at the Ground example. No matter how much hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce the business model/ operations plan will be made to work regardless of the hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce. Especially when you're dealing with a company that no longer harbors any fear regarding the prospect of heavy employee turnover.
It would be a constant battle equipment wise , peak would change routes because of so many p2 , late freight weā€™d be waiting on trucks. Weather would crush everything. It could be done but it would be a mess. So youā€™re right, they just might try it.


Well-Known Member
It would be a constant battle equipment wise , peak would change routes because of so many p2 , late freight weā€™d be waiting on trucks. Weather would crush everything. It could be done but it would be a mess. So youā€™re right, they just might try it.
All of what you listed sans the part about peak are daily occurrences at my station. Iā€™m on vacation this week, but we had late freight 7 out of the ten days prior, including one of the Mondays. FedEx abides by its own reality.


Well-Known Member
It would be a constant battle equipment wise , peak would change routes because of so many p2 , late freight weā€™d be waiting on trucks. Weather would crush everything. It could be done but it would be a mess. So youā€™re right, they just might try it.
If they can slide RLA exempt freight (Express) over to a Taft Hartley carrier (Ground) and get away with it and it looks like they're going to then be prepared for a whole lot of shock and awe given how clearly emboldened Fat Freddy has become.


Well-Known Member
We're starting this a my sta shortly but pt will be the ones starting late. FT will start in the morning and PT will come in afterwards and clean up what's left.


Well-Known Member
Don't be too sure about that. Simply look at the Ground example. No matter how much hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce the business model/ operations plan will be made to work regardless of the hardship and deprivation it inflicts on the workforce. Especially when you're dealing with a company that no longer harbors any fear regarding the prospect of heavy employee turnover.
They're obviously trying to eliminate OT.


Well-Known Member
We were one of the test markets, we have been assured it is still going to happen but they postponed it possibly realizing the current volume plus coming up on peak would be the worst time to try and get this rolling.


Well-Known Member
We were one of the test markets, we have been assured it is still going to happen but they postponed it possibly realizing the current volume plus coming up on peak would be the worst time to try and get this rolling.
Theyā€™re more predictable than the weather. Work the grunts like mules during a record breaking peak season, and then create unbearable conditions that will cause mass turnover immediately after, so Fat Freddy can boast to his Wall Street sycophants about how proactive he was in cutting labor costs.