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I've been a member of this forum for a long time and while I'm not in complete agreement with 710, I see where he might have prematurely surmised his conclusion.There is that arrogant 710 & 705 attitude I was talking about.
Been a member of this forum for a whopping 2 months, and thinks he has all the answers.
While your presentation is humorous most of the time, the points you try to make are often incomplete to someone unfamiliar with the subject matter.
Problem with this approach is that the threads you choose to participate in are fairly serious topics and its participants tend to be passionate.
While I subscribe to the notion that nobody knows everything, myself included, I find the best way to learn about union issues is to talk to people, especially those with more "stripes" than myself.
I then take the content of these interactions and try to mesh it with the applicable contractual language.
With this in mind, you often leave us wanting for "the rest of the story"
If you are truly a Big Union Guy, quit being so stingy.