Well-Known Member
As for breaking news quote! Ask Tim,Pete and Jim! So you can rest easier!!
I did not say everyone was not good enough. I already know who I am voting for. I am from Melville and I had a suspension because I followed the direction of my business agent. I do not trust the board at all. I also know I have a family to support and I will try my hardest to help get the right people in. You are in another world if you think members are talking who is good and who is bad. Members know Bill and Steve and they are not liked Get over it! Get off the forum if you can't take the heat. Its shows you don't have it in you to run. Because you need a face of stone and I can see you don't have it if you can't handle people talking.You tend to claim nobody has the answer or good enough? You try and breakdown or find fault in every candidate! You are a long time union member right! Put your hat in the arena! Are you scared to be judged or only mint to judge others! Which you do a great job of doing. Can you lead? Can you protect or fix problems! If not, keep quiet! Sit in your cushy seat and hush-up!!
You tend to claim nobody has the answer or good enough? You try and breakdown or find fault in every candidate! You are a long time union member right! Put your hat in the arena! Are you scared to be judged or only mint to judge others! Which you do a great job of doing. Can you lead? Can you protect or fix problems! If not, keep quiet! Sit in your cushy seat and hush-up!!
SEE! No one can tell me what was so bad. They just hear it from someone and say, hey yes it was bad, but can not tell me why?Some of us have written numerous times what is (NOT WAS) so bad about the last contract. Its funny how aces called you Howie due to the fact that people like Howie dont have to work under that "fair for the times" contract.
You tell me exactly what was so good about it!!
UPS management keeps helping Donato and members voice with there campaign.
Tony has over 50 unpaid days off and UPS doesn't care. He wants to be president but continues to help UPS plus screw his follow drivers in his center.
Every day that UPS gives Tony a day off no money goes into our pension plus UPS doesn't send out his route.
As a driver from his center said "every time thistakes off I have to work later, all the company does his break up his work and we get screwed" "all week it's been like peek season all the trucks are blown to the doors, hundreds of pieces are left in the building and missed every day but UPS gave Donato off to campaign. It's not right just an example of dealmaking " O yea Tony cares about the members.
I am in Foster. I would think that Tony is entitled to OPH's & a/s like everyone else. Deal making is Mark C. in Marine Park, pushing the 9.5 list, preaching it to the drivers & then telling his manager that he will never file a grievance , he needs 11+ hrs a day, he needs to "look good in front of the guys". As of today Mark C. has worked over 9.5 almost every day since he is on the list & never filed a grievance. He is also a scab that worked while the rest of us were on strike. Mark & Vinny M. can put up all the stickers they want, must be costing a lot of $!
FYI..Tim S. called the UPS district labor mgr & asked why the company is not using discipline on Tony D. for his days off! WAY TO PROTECT ALL YOUR MEMBERS TIM!
Wow, Donato has 50 days out?? And that is ok with management?? And he hasn't been disciplined yet?? Hmm, sounds to me like UPS is abetting Donato's campaign. I guess since they cant give him $$ they are giving him unlimited time off. That sounds like unequal treatment. On Monday I think we should all go into work and declare we are all running for union office and demand Donato's Deal: unlimited ophs.
Aces said members are complaining about the extra work they are burdened with due to the Donato Deal. I guess to Tony, OPH stands for Other People's Hassle!! Its all about the Tony!!
Being on the 9.5 list only gives you the right to grieve. Its good that members are pushing everyone to get on the list. It lowers the stop counts and creates more routes.
Sounds like your nervous about the MembersVoice. You should be, there very well known in the 804 membership.
Sounds like your nervous about the MembersVoice. You should be, there very well known in the 804 membership.
Want to talk about equal treatment, Does't the E Board pick and choose when a member gets fired who can work at the hall while there waiting for arbitration. That sounds like unequal treatment. On Monday I think we should all go into the hall and declare all members who get fired should work at the hall and demand the deal they give other members in our local.
My concern is for a president(Tim) that calls to "rat" on drivers, a TDU officer (Mark) that is a scab, and a former respected steward (Vinny) that now spends his time bashing other drivers.Very well known?? So was Row A!! How'd that work out??