Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016

Irishman Collins

Well-Known Member
What a ridiculous statement, Irishman Collins.

I went hesitantly to the first convention with an inkling of what TDU was, as well as how it was portrayed by some.
I went to the second knowing exactly what it was, with no apprehension.
Both times were for business.
Both times, what I found was several hundred Teamsters, committed to educating themselves and other members.
They were like large scale stewards seminars, for the most part.
To equate these conventions with a hate group, skin head rally is ludicrous and insulting.

This reminds me of a previous thread, where in the matter of a few days, within the very same thread, you claimed your local was pro-Hoffa and anti-Hoffa.
It would seem you are the kind of person who will post anything to further what ever ill conceived notion you have recently championed.
It's tough knowing that we can only believe half of what you say, about half the time you say it.
Doesn't leave much room for credibility.
Bubble I explained that statement in a prior post. Is it credible to claim that you are not TDU but yet you attend "two" conventions? Maybe if I understood this whole "insurance " thing it would be clearer to me. Since it doesn't seem like something you are willing or able to talk about. I will have to go on what I know and that is, that you attended two TDU conventions. Please private message me about the insurance thing, so I may understand the facts a little clearer. Then I will start with the name calling or come to your defense depending on your message about the insurance


My Senior Picture
Bubble I explained that statement in a prior post. Is it credible to claim that you are not TDU but yet you attend "two" conventions? Maybe if I understood this whole "insurance " thing it would be clearer to me. Since it doesn't seem like something you are willing or able to talk about. I will have to go on what I know and that is, that you attended two TDU conventions. Please private message me about the insurance thing, so I may understand the facts a little clearer. Then I will start with the name calling or come to your defense depending on your message about the insurance
It is forbidden for this TDU skin head to talk about this insurance on this site.
I am not a member of TDU, nor have I been, but I'm not adverse to it now.
Just haven't had the occasion since these two free business trips.

You speak of reform, yet rail at the thought of TDU involvement?
Where do you think the challengers will come from (in reality)?
Perhaps an Independant candidate or a third slate (bought and paid for) will rise from wreckage?
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Well-Known Member
Bubble I explained that statement in a prior post. Is it credible to claim that you are not TDU but yet you attend "two" conventions? Maybe if I understood this whole "insurance " thing it would be clearer to me. Since it doesn't seem like something you are willing or able to talk about. I will have to go on what I know and that is, that you attended two TDU conventions. Please private message me about the insurance thing, so I may understand the facts a little clearer. Then I will start with the name calling or come to your defense depending on your message about the insurance
What ever skin head
It is forbidden for this TDU skin head to talk about this insurance on this site.
I am not a member of TDU, nor have I been, but I'm not adverse to it now.
Just haven't had the occasion since these two free business trips.

You speak of reform, yet rail at the thought of TDU involvement?
Where do you think the challengers will come from (in reality)?
Perhaps an Independant candidate or a third slate (bought and paid for) will rise from wreckage?
I really don't think he's thought to far into anything. He's harmless.
It is forbidden for this TDU skin head to talk about this insurance on this site.
I am not a member of TDU, nor have I been, but I'm not adverse to it now.
Just haven't had the occasion since these two free business trips.

You speak of reform, yet rail at the thought of TDU involvement?
Where do you think the challengers will come from (in reality)?
Perhaps an Independant candidate or a third slate (bought and paid for) will rise from wreckage?
Dude it's not funny to even associate yourself with a skinhead. Plus from what I've seen you have one hell of a head of hair. I think there is a lot of animosity for you from other because of your strong hairline.
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My Senior Picture
Dude it's not funny to even associate yourself with a skinhead. Plus from what I've seen you have one hell of a head of hair. I think there is a lot of animosity for yiu from other because of your strong hairline.
I was being facetious.
I made it clear earlier that I thought that analogy was tasteless.

I for sure have a full head of hair.
As I grow older, the hairs in my ears continually try to "blend in" with the rest.
And my nose, if left unattended, would resemble a party favor.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Junior is not a pimple on the late great Ron Carey's :censored2:. Ron lead us on a great victory against big bad Ups. Hoffa bows his head and says yes sir to Ups. He is a complete phony, talks like John L. Lewis on Ed Shultz, and has never worked a day in his life. Carey was railroaded by corporate America, hoffa s buddies back when he was a republican, and the old guard that were upset that he cut there salaries and sold the jets and lincolns. Hoffa s a fake. His dad is spinning in his unmarked grave

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I was being facetious.
I made it clear earlier that I thought that analogy was tasteless.

I for sure have a full head of hair.
As I grow older, the hairs in my ears continually try to "blend in" with the rest.
And my nose, if left unattended, would resemble a party favor.
I know. You made your point that Irish's commen was tasteless.

Do yourself a favor get a nose and eat trimmer. Those one out of ten women that prefer you over me don't like that ear or nose hair. Stay proactive. Also don't forget about the eyebrows.


My Senior Picture
I know. You made your point that Irish's commen was tasteless.

Do yourself a favor get a nose and eat trimmer. Those one out of ten women that prefer you over me don't like that ear or nose hair. Stay proactive. Also don't forget about the eyebrows.
I'm not worried about it, because like you, I only have eyes for your wife.:love:

Smileys make it all good, right?


My Senior Picture
Junior is not a pimple on the late great Ron Carey's :censored2:. Ron lead us on a great victory against big bad Ups. Hoffa bows his head and says yes sir to Ups. He is a complete phony, talks like John L. Lewis on Ed Shultz, and has never worked a day in his life. Carey was railroaded by corporate America, hoffa s buddies back when he was a republican, and the old guard that were upset that he cut there salaries and sold the jets and lincolns. Hoffa s a fake. His dad is spinning in his unmarked grave

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Ron Carey lives on, is just me, or did you forget to spring forward?
How are your posts to dovetailing into the thread, after the fact?
Are you posting on a Commadore 64?

Irishman Collins

Well-Known Member
It is forbidden for this TDU skin head to talk about this insurance on this site.
I am not a member of TDU, nor have I been, but I'm not adverse to it now.
Just haven't had the occasion since these two free business trips.

You speak of reform, yet rail at the thought of TDU involvement?
Where do you think the challengers will come from (in reality)?
Perhaps an Independant candidate or a third slate (bought and paid for) will rise from wreckage?
I believe there are many rank and file who are upset with the current top leaders. I look for a more formidable slate to come to fruition in the near future. Although, if I have to force a mark for a Slate with some TDU members on it. I think I can manage. Anything is better than Hall and Hoffa. Anything.........
Ron Carey lives on, is just me, or did you forget to spring forward?
How are your posts to dovetailing into the thread, after the fact?
Are you posting on a Commadore 64?
When Ron Carey was around it was a totally different America. Bush set us back so far we'll never see anything less me that again. We need to continu to evolve.


My Senior Picture
Ron Carey lives on, is just me, or did you forget to spring forward?
How are your posts to dovetailing into the thread, after the fact?
Are you posting on a Commadore 64?
Oh God, don't answer that Ron!!!
It will get you in more trouble.

It's been awhile for me, but been there, done that.


My Senior Picture
I believe there are many rank and file who are upset with the current top leaders. I look for a more formidable slate to come to fruition in the near future. Although, if I have to force a mark for a Slate with some TDU members on it. I think I can manage. Anything is better than Hall and Hoffa. Anything.........

If all of the potential players don't come together, it will be for not.