Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
If todays union leader is someone who is controlled financially and in general( ups) (junior) bubble and bug you have some low standards for a ibt president

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Active Member
You must be taking about the corporate lawyer who plays president ....

He's right! Tim can not run local 804? tim has handlers from TDU guiding him. He's been president for nearly two terms and absolutely no respect from members or the company... He can't even get his own soldiers back to work. Hoffa could care less if Tim gets every member of 804 fired. He's gonna let us learn on our own to keep following this fool... and see what happens...

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Other liabilities are you in 804? I think you need to check out thier finances,pension plan, and maybe attend a meeting, he is very well liked in his local, and won by a very large margin last election

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Well-Known Member
Junior is not a pimple on the late great Ron Carey's :censored2:. Ron lead us on a great victory against big bad Ups. Hoffa bows his head and says yes sir to Ups. He is a complete phony, talks like John L. Lewis on Ed Shultz, and has never worked a day in his life. Carey was railroaded by corporate America, hoffa s buddies back when he was a republican, and the old guard that were upset that he cut there salaries and sold the jets and lincolns. Hoffa s a fake. His dad is spinning in his unmarked grave

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Carey was GREAT until he was removed for wrongdoings. He was railroaded just like all the other prisoners. They're all innocent.

Other Liabilites

Active Member
Other liabilities are you in 804? I think you need to check out thier finances,pension plan, and maybe attend a meeting, he is very well liked in his local, and won by a very large margin last election

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I am from 804, I do go to every GM meeting. Our finances are unknown! Nothing is in writing! Jim just reads the numbers off the paper! PENSION? Critical status! Not above 70%

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
He got 1185 votes.
1475 voted against him.
If it came down to 2 slates he would have been swallowed. Large margin! Lol! More like typical TDU math.

Other Liabilites

Active Member

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Do yourselves a favor, have a sit down with Members Voice Slate and the Leadership Slate. Tell them to squash their differences and combine their efforts against the current administration. Then TDU will be on the outside throating skcid.


Well-Known Member
I am from 804, I do go to every GM meeting. Our finances are unknown! Nothing is in writing! Jim just reads the numbers off the paper! PENSION? Critical status! Not above 70%
Jim reads the "numbers off the paper" but nothing is in writing? So what's he reading? Air?
Your finances are unknown yet you post the LM2 summary which details your finances?
Are you being seen by a team of shrinks?