Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I don't disagree with half of being big. But he grew after he became president. Timmy would surely pop like a balloon.


Got the T-Shirt
Jim reads the "numbers off the paper" but nothing is in writing? So what's he reading? Air?
Your finances are unknown yet you post the LM2 summary which details your finances?
Are you being seen by a team of shrinks?

Any member, has the right to review the Locals finances.

If a person doesn't want to take notes while the report is being read....

You can schedule an appointment with the Locals Secretary-Treasurer and review

anything you want. It's that easy.

My Local, even has a court approved stenographer taking "verbatim" minutes

at every monthly meeting.... if you want to review, what was said by anyone.

Including other members that come up to the mike.

That cuts out the accusatory BS.



Got the T-Shirt
....they should be able to read the copy handed to them when they walked in the door...

We post them while the meeting is active.

It is cost prohibitive to print copies out, when you don't know how many members will even show.

I would hope you agree.... a Local shouldn't have to "spoon feed" grown adults.



My Senior Picture
My Local, even has a court approved stenographer taking "verbatim" minutes

at every monthly meeting.... if you want to review, what was said by anyone.

Including other members that come up to the mike.

Our "Recording Secretary" is aptly named, as he never speaks at the meetings.
He seems to have an affliction that prohibits him from public speaking?

Instead, he "records" everything on his personal laptop.

He never speaks at the monthly meeting, instead he prerecords his reports of the minutes of the previous month's executive board and membership meetings on an audio file and plays it back over the PA system from the very same laptop.

I've never been to an executive board meeting, but I understand that the same dynamic is in play.

I don't believe these audio files are available to the membership and I'm not sure if they are reduced to written form, but they may be?

I sure hope his laptop is never compromised?

I like your local's system better.
I'm going to make a mental note of it.
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Now I feel stupid, I thought you were being cryptic?
No bro. It was a long day. You know two steps forward and three steps backward. I found further evidence that the general public doesn't like unions. I got to see it first hand up close and personal. People think we make to much money and people don't like me because I'm union. It's sad.


My Senior Picture
My tolerance for trying to motivate, and educate members is wearing thin.

How long (do you think) the average member can last.... dealing with UPS ?

What's the alternative?

I have days (yesterday), where I ask myself that same question...and I answer it with the aforementioned question.

Imagine what it's like when I am also trying to motivate our elected officers as well?

It is for sure frustrating trying to push poop uphill, while it is rolling downhill.
Makes it hard to to keep the stink off yourself.
What's the alternative?

I have days (yesterday), where I ask myself that same question...and I answer it with the aforementioned question.

Imagine what it's like when I am also trying to motivate our elected officers as well?

It is for sure frustrating trying to push poop uphill, while it is rolling downhill.
Makes it hard to to keep the stink off yourself.
When I say my prayers in the morning on the way into work I thank God for what I have in my local.
Three "I's" and no We's in this post?
Just saying