Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Well-Known Member

You stated that 99% of members who came back lost there job after last chance. 804 never had this deal before! We had a high success rate on arbitrations and members continued working until arbitration hearing!! Today! Members stop working immediately and wait on there panel hearing. Why bring this garbage to our local. I'm sorry other locals have this garbage, but this is exactly what it is!


Well-Known Member
We had a guy who was fired for falsifying records. He was sheeting packages and call tags
away from the delivery point. He was given a "last chance" and blew that when he was accused of sexually harassing a seasonal worker (helper).

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
804 had people dropping like flies. Btw, how is that bonehead BA doing? You know the only that lead 250 off the plank.


My Senior Picture
We had a guy who was fired for falsifying records. He was sheeting packages and call tags
away from the delivery point. He was given a "last chance" and blew that when he was accused of sexually harassing a seasonal worker (helper).
Last chance agreements are issue specific, like all discipline.