Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


My Senior Picture
Children, can say the darnedest things.

But if not properly supervised, they can develop an inflated sense of self-worth.

Hence the need.... to constantly repeat themselves, without really saying anything.:biggrin:


There's a lot of that going on these days, with perspective being the only differing variable.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
It's 20:40 and Tim is still a


Well-Known Member
Wide load and lead belly are both already working off the clock and setting up their cars! Management friendly!! Weak !! Concession stand is closing!! How's the rooster guys??

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Wide load and lead belly are both already working off the clock and setting up their cars! Management friendly!! Weak !! Concession stand is closing!! How's the rooster guys??
I don't need to set up my car. Hook and drop is much easier. But I guess you wouldn't understand that too much "Mr. 22.3".


Well-Known Member
Thanks to The strong leadership of local 804!! I can't wait to have national leadership who isn't afraid to stand up to the company or barrack Osama!
Hall and o stopped by to get their pictures taken!!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks to The strong leadership of local 804!! I can't wait to have national leadership who isn't afraid to stand up to the company or barrack Osama!
Hall and o stopped by to get their pictures taken!!
If by Tim not being able to get those drivers back to work, costing the members 2weeks pay, pension & health and welfare also costing the local hundreds of thousand of dollars you mean strong leadership. I don't wants Timmy's leadership skills. He could cost us more in my local.

I hear there is trouble on his slate, Even Z doesn't want to be associated with TDU


Man of Great Wisdom
If by Tim not being able to get those drivers back to work, costing the members 2weeks pay, pension & health and welfare also costing the local hundreds of thousand of dollars you mean strong leadership. I don't wants Timmy's leadership skills. He could cost us more in my local.

I hear there is trouble on his slate, Even Z doesn't want to be associated with TDU
Don't walk off the job.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If by Tim not being able to get those drivers back to work, costing the members 2weeks pay, pension & health and welfare also costing the local hundreds of thousand of dollars you mean strong leadership. I don't wants Timmy's leadership skills. He could cost us more in my local.

I hear there is trouble on his slate, Even Z doesn't want to be associated with TDU
I never thought I would hear a Hoffa man say something negative about his competition.

What a shocker, and are you going to be repeating this same exact attack piece until the election?

Because you should try and come up with something new.
If by Tim not being able to get those drivers back to work, costing the members 2weeks pay, pension & health and welfare also costing the local hundreds of thousand of dollars you mean strong leadership. I don't wants Timmy's leadership skills. He could cost us more in my local.

I hear there is trouble on his slate, Even Z doesn't want to be associated with TDU


Well-Known Member
I never thought I would hear a Hoffa man say something negative about his competition.

What a shocker, and are you going to be repeating this same exact attack piece until the election?

Because you should try and come up with something new.
I'm just doing what you do. Come up with something original but you can you keep repeating yourself


A pathetic attempt and you know it.

Hoffa is going down.

More time to play golf with all his CEO buddies.
Weak is the definition of real brown one. You are the kind of guy that goes on a semi obscure web site. This is how you think you are making a difference. I to do frequent this web site but it doesn't stop there. For every one just like you I will influence other teamsters ten to one hundred thousand or more times. See you care or think you care. You really might. I don't just care I do what I do out of loyalty. Loyalty to people I've placed my faith in that I know see the bigger picture of what's better for us as a whole or group. A membership I'm in actuality. See you are a upser. I am a teamster. Those guys that park cars of are in sanitation or our thirteen thousand new members that Hoffa got in California. Those are members as well.

I have more knowledge about the inner and outer working of the teamsters than you ever will and I'm trustworthy and fiercely loyal. So I hope you think what I'm doing for Hoffa Hall And Sean is weak. Please under estimate us. Even if you don't underestimate us I'm willing I to bet I will out grind you.

And just to let you know the Tim S slate is already falling apart. I know you won't believe it but I have actually seen it with my own eyes.