Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'm just doing what you do. Come up with something original but you can you keep repeating yourself
Dude, you and the other 2 stooges are the ones repeating the same lame attacks on Tim.

And I've hardly said anything against Hoffa this year.

You 3 Hoffa stooges, by posting so many stupid attack posts against Tim, are proving that you are desperate, and will say and do anything (like your buddy Sean O) to keep Hoffa in power.


Got the T-Shirt
And just to let you know the Tim S slate is already falling apart. I know you won't believe it but I have actually seen it with my own eyes.

The first real test, will be, if they even have a full slate.

The second test, will be, if they can get elected delegate (in their Local) to the convention.

How embarrassing it was for Leedum ?

In 2006, members of his slate lost their delegate election....

And then had to be escorted in to the room (by the sergeant at arms) to accept a nomination.

I can't wait for the plethora of TDU excuses, when they go down again.



Well-Known Member
John Murphy!! Wide load!! Sean "the bully" O,
Lead belly, angry Tim and all the other rooster mfers from beantown!!


Got the T-Shirt
Come on now BUG, you know they don't have a midget on their slate.

You're right.

I don't know, if they have a "height challenged" individual.;)

What I do know (or question) is the mental acuity, of them and their supporters.

The issue, I have with them (and I have said it before)....

They are leading people down the "primrose path".

There is no chance, they can win a General Election.

They are BS's people.... to keep themselves in a job (at their Local)

And, are the worst kind of Teamsters.



Well-Known Member
Dude, you and the other 2 stooges are the ones repeating the same lame attacks on Tim.

And I've hardly said anything against Hoffa this year.

You 3 Hoffa stooges, by posting so many stupid attack posts against Tim, are proving that you are desperate, and will say and do anything (like your buddy Sean O) to keep Hoffa in power.
Back to the name calling. Do you think it's going to make a difference? I'll answer for you. No.
I'm not desperate for anything. Timmy and Z aren't even together so the real leaders are going to get back in just like last time and the time before. So keep up with the name calling on the playground tough guy.
The first real test, will be, if they even have a full slate.

The second test, will be, if they can get elected delegate (in their Local) to the convention.

How embarrassing it was for Leedum ?

In 2006, members of his slate lost their delegate election....

And then had to be escorted in to the room (by the sergeant at arms) to accept a nomination.

I can't wait for the plethora of TDU excuses, when they go down again.

When it happens a lot will be laughing hard me included.
Dude, you and the other 2 stooges are the ones repeating the same lame attacks on Tim.

And I've hardly said anything against Hoffa this year.

You 3 Hoffa stooges, by posting so many stupid attack posts against Tim, are proving that you are desperate, and will say and do anything (like your buddy Sean O) to keep Hoffa in power.
Tim did it to himself. He couldn't even take care of his own 250. Give the guy one point three million and we are all doomed.


Well-Known Member
He couldn't control a rouge BA.

And then, needed the proven Leaders of the IBT.... to settle the issue.

Thats never going to happen. :biggrin:

Real Teamsters, get things done.... by being involved.

TDU people sit on the sidelines, complaining.

Sorry had to edit I misread