Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


My Senior Picture
1 term. Thx for the info.
Ron Carey served 1 full term, 17 years ago and the man died almost 7 years ago.
Somehow he continues to be drug into these conversations.
Not sure how it is relevant to the 2016 General Election?

I hate it when people try to bring themselves up, by bringing someone else down.
Guess that's all you can do when you can't rest on your own laurels?

10 point

Well-Known Member
Ron Carey served 1 full term, 17 years ago and the man died almost 7 years ago.
Somehow he continues to be drug into these conversations.
Not sure how it is relevant to the 2016 General Election?

I hate it when people try to bring themselves up, by bringing someone else down.
Guess that's all you can do when you can't rest on your own laurels?
He won 2 elections.
If he could have run again he would've won again.
He was greatly respected.
Sold two union jets for about 11 million to cut costs and reduced his own salary by one-third.
He related to the common blue collar worker.
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Well-Known Member
He won 2 elections.
If he could have run again he would've won again.
He was greatly respected.
Sold two union jets for about 11 million to cut costs and reduced his own salary by one-third.
He related to the common blue collar worker.
You forgot the IBT Headquarters was falling apart because the IBT didn't have any money and they had to borrow money to pay for things. Sorry to include facts. I'm sure you'll give me some.


My Senior Picture
He won 2 elections.
If he could have run again he would've won again.
He was greatly respected.
Sold two union jets for about 11 million to cut costs and reduced his own salary by one-third.
He related to the common blue collar worker.
You forgot the IBT Headquarters was falling apart because the IBT didn't have any money and they had to borrow money to pay for things. Sorry to include facts. I'm sure you'll give me some.
So, are you saying by selling off 2 jets and reducing his own salary, he was somehow derelict in addressing the financial woes he inherited?


My Senior Picture
Typical its someone else's fault.
10 point said he had 2 terms.
The IBT had to borrow money from the AFL.

Again, Ron Carey is deceased and 17 years removed from the IBT Presidency in the 1990's.

He served one full term and was removed less than a year after being re-elected.
Ron Carey obviously made several, already noted, cost cutting measures to a cash strapped organization.
If additional money was borrowed subsequently???...OK

Still not sure how any of this is relevant to the 2016 General Election?
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wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
When a Federal Appeals Court rules that the testimony of the witness that convicted Carey was NOT CREDIBLE, your story falls apart.
Jere Nash pleaded guilty.
Martin Davis pleaded guilty.
Michael Ansara pleaded guilty.
So I guess the embezzlement never happened.


My Senior Picture
Jere Nash pleaded guilty.
Martin Davis pleaded guilty.
Michael Ansara pleaded guilty.
So I guess the embezzlement never happened.

Sounds like the truly guilty parties must have stuck out?

3 more guys who were trying to bring themselves up, by bringing someone else down.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Don't forget Trumpka invoked the 5th.

Carey was cleared in a Federal Court but if you have more info you could call up the Republican Party and let them know.