Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Nine Lives
I seem kind of bitter?

Just ask the retirees (who we will eventuallually all be one day) just how GREAT your VOTE YES campaign turned out for them.
I have heard people pronounce it this way but never seen it spelt.
It sounds and looks good ... I especially like the strength that repetition brings.
I personally think you should petition Daniel Webster to get it in the dictionary.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I have heard people pronounce it this way but never seen it spelt.
It sounds and looks good ... I especially like the strength that repetition brings.
I personally think you should petition Daniel Webster to get it in the dictionary.
I didn't do that on purpose, though it sort of drives my point home.

I am getting old, I might need a bigger cell phone for my worsening near vision eye sight.

But my point is true.

We who had UPS insurance really, really took it in shorts when we retire.

Not even close to what we once had.

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