Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Well-Known Member
You showed some really nice footwork dancing around my question.

Put up or shut up---do you possess the skill set necessary to earn a comparable wage elsewhere? The short answer is no which is why you are so grateful to have the Union on your side.
Brown isn't the only payer in town rookie!
Here's an example.... A feeder driver can easily get a comparable job !! In fact your quality of life could be a lot better else where than being stuck on the bottom of feeder seniority!!

10 point

Well-Known Member
You showed some really nice footwork dancing around my question.

Put up or shut up---do you possess the skill set necessary to earn a comparable wage elsewhere? The short answer is no which is why you are so grateful to have the Union on your side.
I'm not dancing but you're lying.
You don't know me, my background or any of my "skill sets". You just blow smoke and get all defensive when you get made a fool of by your own ignorant posts.

I put up. You look like a fool.
Right To Work needs a poster child if you have the time. You fit the "skill set" they're looking for.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I'm not dancing but you're lying.
You don't know me, my background or any of my "skill sets". You just blow smoke and get all defensive when you get made a fool of by your own ignorant posts.

I put up. You look like a fool.
Right To Work needs a poster child if you have the time. You fit the "skill set" they're looking for.
P.S. Mr Joe/Dave Company...don't compare my abilities to your intellect and abilities. You know what they say about ASSume big boy.

10 point

Well-Known Member
You do because you have a skilled trade that you did at sometime that you still do. You do not represent the majority of upsers in this.
What I meant was that pkg car drivers do well without a cdl (I've had one since '92' with dbl/trpl, tanker endorsements) but one of my friends quit UPS and makes as much as I do in take home (with his own tractor) and likes it much better. To each his own.
What I meant was that pkg car drivers do well without a cdl (I've had one since '92' with dbl/trpl, tanker endorsements) but one of my friends quit UPS and makes as much as I do in take home (with his own tractor) and likes it much better. To each his own.
Medical and pension id say not.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Medical and pension id say not.
I didn't ask that deep. But I have another friend that hauls refrigerated freight and he makes a lot more than I do in total comp. But he is single and not home every night. He's always buying a bunch of rentals to off set some major tax payments.
I didn't ask that deep. But I have another friend that hauls refrigerated freight and he makes a lot more than I do in total comp. But he is single and not home every night. He's always buying a bunch of rentals to off set some major tax payments.
I'd rather be a teamster working at ups thank you.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I will say that I've never worked anywhere else that stress was so prevalent. The first driver I mentioned was glad to leave that behind.


Got the T-Shirt
Brown isn't the only payer in town rookie!
Here's an example.... A feeder driver can easily get a comparable job !!

What other Unionized trucking company, pays a comparable wage and benefit package ?

Non-Unionized company's pay half.... of what UPS feeder drivers make. (if that)

What I meant was that pkg car drivers do well without a cdl (I've had one since '92' with dbl/trpl, tanker endorsements) but one of my friends quit UPS and makes as much as I do in take home (with his own tractor) and likes it much better. To each his own.

Is that before expenses ?

Most non-unionized and independent CDL drivers, make between .28¢ and .34¢ a mile.
