UPS hasn't bought any new pkg cars this year, avoiding promised AC.

I can only speak for my building but we got boat loads of new cars in over the last two years. All the 113s are gone. All the diesels are gone. We don’t have a car older than a 2010. I’ll be close to retirement by the time I get a car with AC. It was a dumb contract fight for the union to get into. It is pointless. It won’t work with the cars being turned off at every stop. The fans are great, even if it’s hot air. I haven’t seen any cars retrofitted with heat shielding or those spinning fans on the roof. I’ve only occasionally driven cars with them and never really noticed a difference. My one complaint would be the need to re wire the fan to allow it to be on when the car is off.
I was wondering how the AC would even work if you have to shut the truck off at every stop. Hopefully that rule would change during the heat but you know how this company is.


Baseball, dart board
I’m up north. The heaters are basically useless below 32 degrees. The only thing that keeps me warm is hustling. I’m freezing my rear off when I’m sitting for lunch even with leaving the car on the entire time.
The heater is for keeping the glass from freezing up. That's about it. Other than that, layer up and be a man.


Well-Known Member
The heater is for keeping the glass from freezing up. That's about it. Other than that, layer up and be a man.
The fords are excellent in the winter. I am warm during the the coldest part of the year in that truck. When it’s 30 below with wind nothing feels right. I hate those days.
(We have been warmer than usual this past winter fortunately)


Well-Known Member
Yep. I wear a thermal, hoodie and vest. Anything else is too bulky and hard to move around in. Just keep moving to stay warm. The passenger door stays open all year long.
About the same, minus the open door. Thermal, short sleeve shirt over it. Hoodie and vest. Stocking cap if it gets below 20 or so or if it's windy. Will take the hoodie off it's about 40 and sunny.


Baseball, dart board
The fords are excellent in the winter. I am warm during the the coldest part of the year in that truck. When it’s 30 below with wind nothing feels right. I hate those days.
(We have been warmer than usual this past winter fortunately)
I have a new Ford 10 cube and I agree completely. Truck is awesome. Bit sluggish but I drive conservatively anyways. Heat works great, turning radius is freaking tight and rides smooth. No complaints


Well-Known Member
I have a new Ford 10 cube and I agree completely. Truck is awesome. Bit sluggish but I drive conservatively anyways. Heat works great, turning radius is freaking tight and rides smooth. No complaints
They finally got it right. I’m hoping no one destroys it when I’m not in it.
It also seems a little quieter without the floor panel rattling.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
The same way they are equipping the fleet with air conditioned trucks?
If a package car with 500 miles on it gets delivered to my building and does not have air conditioning I will find out about it. If the preload staffs 199 employees tonight instead of 200 I will have no clue.

If CNN writes an article titled "UPS promised new delivery vans with AC. It hasn’t bought any" that may elicit some response from the public. If CNN writes an article titled "local UPS building short a couple loaders" the public is unlikely to care.

Improving load quality during the hotter months so that drivers don’t have to spend so much time in the back of package car is a good idea. Can you think of any way to quantify load quality so that I can be written into our contract? I cannot.
Can you think of any way to quantify load quality so that I can be written into our contract? I cannot.
I can think of several ways right off the top of my head but hey I'm just a dumb IE what do I know amirite Teamsters?

if Teamsters would hire a couple of former IE managers you could put the screws to the company so hard Carol would be :censored2:ting shekels

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
If a package car with 500 miles on it gets delivered to my building and does not have air conditioning I will find out about it. If the preload staffs 199 employees tonight instead of 200 I will have no clue.

If CNN writes an article titled "UPS promised new delivery vans with AC. It hasn’t bought any" that may elicit some response from the public. If CNN writes an article titled "local UPS building short a couple loaders" the public is unlikely to care.

Improving load quality during the hotter months so that drivers don’t have to spend so much time in the back of package car is a good idea. Can you think of any way to quantify load quality so that I can be written into our contract? I cannot.
When I started Preloaders made $.50/hr less then top rate drivers after 90 days and we weren't chased off the clock after 3 1/2 hours. Might be a good place to start with for better load quality.
Not at all.

Lets dissect what he said, before you get upset that I called him a baby.

He said : I'm getting really sick of this old head "back in my day" narrative.

Hmmmmmm 🧐 Doesn’t really seem to care what I think.

Strike 1 !

He said:
Man eff your day. It's brutal out here and we're delivering more packages than you ever did.

Hmmmmmmmm 🤔 :censored2: my day? Lol. It still is many of us “old heads” days. Whaaaaaaahhhh it’s brutal out here and us young guys are doing more work than you old guys ever did, whaaaahhhhh. Well we ARE still doing it, so just because he’s a PAB that can’t handle a little heat, doesn’t mean he’s the only one that has to deal with it. This is the main reason I called him a Baby, are there young healthy package car drivers dying every day at work all across the county? Nope. Does it happen and is it tragic when it does? Absolutely. Is an air conditioned package car going to stop heat related deaths? Possibly, but not guaranteed. I’d rather have that money paid to hire more part timers and maybe give better load quality so drivers don’t have to spend so much time in the back of package car, which by the way, won’t be air conditioned!

Strike 2 !

He said : Show some support OR stfu

Hmmmmmmmm, 🤔 seems to me that would be a choice that only supports his view? I mean if I don’t support AC in package cars, then I should stfu? Seems like my views are NOT the only ones.

So to answer your question……

Strike three!

Wrong- but we have become used to your little antics, no one is mad, you can still be in the union that you despise.
Only despise the pigs. But you are free to say what you choose sport.