Well the day has finally arrived (or the peak anyway) where the PUBLIC finally got to see how mismanaged UPS is. Bad management, outside hires and people in positions that have no clue have been rising for years, and now it's come to a head. I know there are a lot of IE, BD, and logistic people who think they really drive this company, but they need to get out of the offices.
UPS management avoids operations because it's hard work and long hours. It's much easier to be an IE person sitting around on conference calls telling OPs Managers what the centers are doing wrong (in their eyes anyway).
The failures this peak have to be placed on THOSE people and above, NOT the operators. Unfortunately, they won’t.
I’m sure after the new year, the conference calls will start back up with a clueless IE people saying “you’re center is one trip over plan” or “you have one too many people on your sort”.
Thank God for the mute button, because the disconnect between the people on each end of these calls is wider than it has ever been. Operators laugh on one end, while upper management, IE or whoever thinks operators don’t listen and refuse to comply with what they want. I wonder how many 14 hour days those office people put in this year? The operators in the centers drive this company not these people setting forth bad plans and have never worked in a center in their lives.
2013 proved that.
This, my friends, is the beginning of the end. The failures this year will make UPS more nuts next year. More conference calls, less resources, and more people outside the centers who have NO CLUE what they are doing.
In the end, UPS thinks technology will solve all their problems. Get rid of management or pay them less. We have technology and IE people that can run centers. Well, we saw how that worked for 2013.
Happy New Year!!