Well-Known Member
Maybe Pres. Bush should have taken lessons from our brave Fireman and Policeman who didn't hesitate like a deer in headlights or shown "remarkable restraint" to respond to those in the twin towers (good thing your not in the Civil Service business) we'll leave that up to the professionals. Instead of channeling anger towards Micheal Moore, and Obama's (decorated ex-marine) preacher (which in your estimation makes the same cherry picked sermon every Sunday for the last twenty years and you compare him to the KKK), how about staying focused on the real issues effecting Americans, like War, Economy, Science and Technology, etc....instead, the only focus of the conservative's mudslinging agenda and those who share their views is Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, bitter comments, Obama's middle name,Obama's father, Obama's white grandmother, Liberal Media, Racism card, flagpins, Micheal Moore etc.....shouldn't Republicans, Rush, Sean, Ann and Fox groupies be addressing the REAL issues that effect Americans, or, with the Republican track record of the last 8 years there conceding they can't win on the issues.