Cases of Michelob ultra?Make it two cases
Cases of Michelob ultra?Make it two cases
Rather shop for tamponsCases of Michelob ultra?
Hope you enjoy itRather shop for tampons
What's your brand? Tampax?Hope you enjoy it
Playtex is my favoriteWhat's your brand? Tampax?
It fills the voidPlaytex is my favorite
Keeps it air tightIt fills the void
You better use twoKeeps it air tight
That's a good ideaYou better use two
For your looseThat's a good idea
Settle settle settle downFor your loose *
Man Gina banned word?!Settle settle settle down
You better ask @FutureMan Gina banned word?!
Peeing on the building..."Casino night" for her
Told @rod it's tomorrow.Merry Christmas, it's today!