Vaccine mandate


Inordinately Right
Crazy how anti vaxxers are the vast minority yet still get blamed entirely for every positive case and death in this country regardless of wether that unvaxxed person has even left his house in 3 years
That's not what is being said.
Try listening with both ears.
Yes it is, by the President himself.
Try removing your head from your rear.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
At first I thought you might be an idiot.

With that post you confirmed it
Yes it is, by the President himself.
Try removing your head from your rear.
Crazy How people perceive risk. This virus has a very small risk of death or hospitalization for the vast majority of the population. But does Exist

The vaccine has a very small risk of injury or death at least at this point for the vast majority of population But it does exist because there’s no such thing as medicine with no side effects. Watch the commercials and listen to the guy talking really fast at the end of every ask your doctor about this medicine commercial.

Vaccines are supposed to reduce risk Not create new risks that were never there.

The difference now is corporations and the government are slowly beginning to demand people take on unnecessary risk with their personal health for something that has a very low chance of killing you.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I wonder.
Should the unvaccinated have any claim on special treatment if any is offered?
Might as well go full commie in New York.

I can see it now - millions of white males self-identifying as same sex attracted, female, persons of color.
I’m identifying as a black lesbian. Trifecta.
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Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Depends on what you believe to be the truth I guess. It’s working for me. I had Covid but didn’t get hospitalized. But you’ll claim I probably wouldn’t have been hospitalized anyway. We’ll never know, so good luck!
You probably wouldnt have been in the hospital without it.. Smh...


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Nope, it's just a virus that cares nothing about what corner of the planet you live on, the color of your skin, and least of all your politics.

Anti-vaxers are the vast minority and an American oddity, that is committed to going door to door trying to sell yesterday's ice water to a drowning population, as they themselves go down with the ship.

There will be no strikes or revolution to preserve your perceived constitutional rights, just ongoing rhetoric and pandering to an ever shrinking peer base.
Do you understand any of this????



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Here is how all of this will end,.... by one these anti-vaxers will be picked off by covid, either by death or illness of themselves or someone close to them, or by their own lack of conviction in the face of an inevitable choice.

Then when these circumstances and choices play out in real life, outside of these virtual tough guy threads on the internet, the vast majority of these people that comprise this minority sector of the US population, will cave and get vaccinated.

Then the few that are left will retreat to militant camps in the deep woods of Idaho to simulate and prepare for their revolution that will never happen, all the while with covid being taimed and declining to far less than pandemic levels.
Delusional.. You are lost...


I'm a star
Yes it is, by the President himself.
Try removing your head from your rear.

I'm doing a somewhat decent job of keeping track of the fake mainstream narrative and the reliable information coming from independent reporters and experts. Yet, I have no idea where he is getting his information to be able to make the statements he's making. It's lunacy.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
....and containerizing those who are in favor of these vaccinations as "liberals" or "democrats" is any different how?

Try and follow along with the flow of the conversation instead of getting your feelings hurt in the wake of the reality they you are a member of the vast minority.
62% is a vast majority?


Well-Known Member
Here is how all of this will end,.... by one these anti-vaxers will be picked off by covid, either by death or illness of themselves or someone close to them, or by their own lack of conviction in the face of an inevitable choice.

Then when these circumstances and choices play out in real life, outside of these virtual tough guy threads on the internet, the vast majority of these people that comprise this minority sector of the US population, will cave and get vaccinated.

Then the few that are left will retreat to militant camps in the deep woods of Idaho to simulate and prepare for their revolution that will never happen, all the while with covid being taimed and declining to far less than pandemic levels.
Hahaha the funny thing is this is what’s happening with people taking the vax


My Senior Picture
You guys better start gathering your survival gear and small arms ammunition, the deep woods of Idaho is rugged place to hole up in preparation for your faux revolution.


Well-Known Member
"Leaked military documents",....OK :bsbullf:

Leaked Guantanamo files not seen hurting U.S. cases.

Yeah never happens