You bring it on yourself with your condescending attitude. What’s it like to know everything? Because you sure act like you do. I’ll bet you were the one the teacher had watch the class when she left the room so you could report on the other students. That’s how you come across to many.
Perhaps not.
We all make choices. You choose to be intimidated(for whatever reason).
I never claimed to know everything. That's your construct. I can't be responsible for that failing. You can bet all you want(BTW, another example of bullying). You don't know me.
I don't bring anything upon myself. By definition-you are the bully......I am the victim/object of that bullying. You initiate the hate and reaction. You are in complete control of anything and everything you say and do. You.
You could respond with civility......or respectfully disagree....
I am not responsible for your machinations, illusions, intimidations, inadequacies or even your mental processes....those are your burdens.
You can be civil or we can do this all day.