Well-Known Member
You label us anti-vaxers and we are being blamed, excluded, threatened. It isn't easy to take this position. It loses you friends, puts all your plans and aspirations in jeopardy. We still choose not to get these shots for many different reasons, but we who aren't getting it can all agree something is fishy.Then you never really knew me or understood what I am about.
Do these same anti-vaxers extend anybody the same courtesy you expect from me?
Hopefully as a "tadpole" you can become a frog one day?
If people have been rude to you over this, I'm sorry. Everyone has the right to their opinions, and I wish all these conversations we could learn about the others perspective and be respectful. I personally am on edge and not in a good mental state, worrying about will I keep my job and will I have to move and will my kids be free. So when I hear the news, I sometimes yell with all my might, THATS BS! When I am told I can't do this or that because I don't have a vax card, yeah, I'm mad as hell. So it feels like those who disagree with us are our enemies.
I respected your opinions because it was clear you were for helping and protecting your union brothers. You really educated a lot of us with solid info.
I believe you're wrong about the vaccines but that I can live with. It's just I feel constantly belittled by your posts and don't feel like you care about helping or protecting certain union members such as myself, who are being discriminated against. Which I get it... You trust Fauci, and that's what CNN is saying is right. It's just so frustrating... we're at a standstill, never going to change each others minds and we have incompatible views.
All I want is to not have to wear a mask and not have to vaxx. Same for my kids. If you are cool with that then I'm cool with you.