You mean he’s not paid by the union?She did a good job, you can not deny she explained a lot more than the kid. He is out of his league, its obvious by the way he talks in general terms.
People have different opinions no need to be vulgarfriend your pro company anti union RTW video propaganda. Are you a Teamster?
First off, that lady doesn’t know her ass from her elbow. TCD’s get better pay, pension, health and 9.5 protections. 224’s don’t. Look, some locals are trying to get “noticed” by the IBT (example @Tony Q). They are so worried about UPS going under that UPS gave every PT sup a $3 and hour raise. I cannot believe the state of some of these unions. So elected officials would crumble pulling a route.
Me and Tony have a history. Sorry if my truck driver vocabulary is too abrasive for you.People have different opinions no need to be vulgar
First off, that lady doesn’t know her ass from her elbow. TCD’s get better pay, pension, health and 9.5 protections. 224’s don’t. Look, some locals are trying to get “noticed” by the IBT (example @Tony Q). They are so worried about UPS going under that UPS gave every PT sup a $3 and hour raise. I cannot believe the state of some of these unions. So elected officials would crumble pulling a route.
She is spot on with Tyler's videoFirst off, that lady doesn’t know her ass from her elbow. TCD’s get better pay, pension, health and 9.5 protections. 224’s don’t. Look, some locals are trying to get “noticed” by the IBT (example @Tony Q). They are so worried about UPS going under that UPS gave every PT sup a $3 and hour raise. I cannot believe the state of some of these unions. So elected officials would crumble pulling a route.
It hurts your push for your opinion to persuadeMe and Tony have a history. Sorry if my truck driver vocabulary is too abrasive for you.
So nothing she said made sense to you the inflation calculation ectNowhere did Tyler claim he wanted a 401k over a pension. Very few (if any) drivers want to work 70 hour weeks even if they can "pay for Christmas in one day."
This video is aing joke. I'll trust the rank and file over Rick H's paid hack any day of the
ing week.
So nothing she said made sense to you the inflation calculation ect
I like his passion also but he was wrong on a lot of presentationI like this Tyler kid. This video does expose his local as bowing down on grievance pay for 30-40% instead of the legally owed 100%. Now this is what Tyler said he, the membership & his area local agree too.
If this indeed true. I'd like to see Tyler more involved in his local as an employee.
Put Tyler on the ticket. He might need some fine tuning on understanding a contract but he's intelligent and has a street fighter mentality.
The Tyler kid has heart and should stick to his local union and build out from there. He took on a general explanation for the nation and that is something different between region and even locals. He has no clue how everything works in its entirety. He bailed out on pension in the second video and has no idea how a cover driver works. The more he posts the more obvious it will be.You mean he’s not paid by the union?
That is the way most of these guys react when they get schooled.People have different opinions no need to be vulgar